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Where are the calcium filaments hiding?


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My calcium  system is 0.5 angstroms at 393.37nm and i can barely see the filaments that h-alpha presents;  I suspect that these filaments are riding much lower in the chromosphere below 393.36nm.      Sure there are some filaments in my image, but i want them to pop out with a big hello.

I pointed some arrows to the obvious ones,  but the surface area in calcium is just too dark or too high in the fog to see the rest. 

 I always thought filaments were prominences; as are with h-alpha, and i have no problems seeing prominences in calcium light;  so there is something a bit different about them on the surface in UV light.  I am hoping to find the right system setting to make these things less invisible.


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4 hours ago, Kitsunegari said:

My calcium  system is 0.5 angstroms at 393.37nm and i can barely see the filaments that h-alpha presents;  I suspect that these filaments are riding much lower in the chromosphere below 393.36nm.      Sure there are some filaments in my image, but i want them to pop out with a big hello.

I pointed some arrows to the obvious ones,  but the surface area in calcium is just too dark or too high in the fog to see the rest. 

 I always thought filaments were prominences; as are with h-alpha, and i have no problems seeing prominences in calcium light;  so there is something a bit different about them on the surface in UV light.  I am hoping to find the right system setting to make these things less invisible.


During solar minimum, when things were really dead on the surface, I often wondered why we could see small prominences most of the time, while no filaments had been seen for months. I do think the relationship between proms and filaments is a little more complex than it’s normally explained (ie that they are the same thing). It seems we can see detail in Ha on the limb that would not be visible as a filament on the rest of the visible surface. Maybe your very interesting calcium imaging can help cast light on the matter?

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The tighter your bandwidth in the K line the more the filaments will stand out in CaK. If you look at spectroheliograph images in CaK, the filaments stand out as distinct black lines similar to Halpha. They are lines of neutral magnetic field. We can usually never see them as the Lunt and Coronado CaK are not narrow enough. You are obviously getting (but not quite) towards the optimum narrow bandwidth. You should build a spectroheliograph :)


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8 hours ago, Montana said:

The tighter your bandwidth in the K line the more the filaments will stand out in CaK. If you look at spectroheliograph images in CaK, the filaments stand out as distinct black lines similar to Halpha. They are lines of neutral magnetic field. We can usually never see them as the Lunt and Coronado CaK are not narrow enough. You are obviously getting (but not quite) towards the optimum narrow bandwidth. You should build a spectroheliograph :)


I believe it is slightly  more complicated than just narrow bandwidth,  and while the 0.1 angstrom spectrohelioscope can see filaments;  it is the  ability to "find" them at a particular region of the chromosphere that makes it special.


IF we all had 0.1 angstrom calcium filters centered at 393.4nm,  we would not see them.    I beleive the same applies if we have a filter centered at 393.39nm, 393.38nm,  and even 393.37nm.      They are seen in a very specific height, much like with blue wing and red wing shifting h-alpha; they disappear.   My system only allows tuning of one filter currently.


As seen from this "chrotel" image,  there is a very thick S-shaped filament, completely invisible to the  0.3 angstrom calcium filter.  aa17456-11-fig5.jpg







The chrotel system, is very capable of seeing calcium filaments without a doubt; because i have seen several videos where they were very prominent before they were taken offline..  The system uses a "pico-meter  lyot filter" Which is 0.3 angstroms, ; I am positive it is tunable; providing  a greater and more precise method than a lunt pressure tuner, and daystar heater.

The chrotel passpand is 0.3 angstrom and fully tunable, which provides a full image making it better than any spectrohelioscope.

https://www.aanda.org/articles/aa/full_html/2011/10/aa17456-11/F2.html  aa17456-11-fig2.jpg





Anyways, just throwing this information out there because i am 100% convinced we can see them better using very specific technique; which we just have not discovered as amateurs.

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Two of the last few remaining chrotel images online with some calcium filaments visible.




Here is a high resolution view showing the filament in Hydrogen alpha, and Calcium for comparison from chrotel.     Even with university grade equipment , these filaments are very difficult to see.  

Pulled from here https://www.aanda.org/articles/aa/pdf/2016/05/aa26636-15.pdf



Edited by Kitsunegari
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6 hours ago, Rusted said:

Turn the lights on and they are easily visible. :wink2:

chrotel ca lighter.jpg


The truth is; the hydrogen alpha chromosphere is  500km lower than the  calcium K3 chromosphere, and so there really is a 500km thick fog layer that is obscuring them; so this is wy they appear more diffuse..  


The only solution is to use a k2 filter, that is tuned on the 1500km region that hydrogen alpha 656.28 core layer is.   This "k2 special  filter" would  need a center bandwidth between 393.10nm and 393.25nm; and then the filaments would appear dark and thick as seen in hydrogen alpha.

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14 hours ago, Kitsunegari said:


The truth is; the hydrogen alpha chromosphere is  500km lower than the  calcium K3 chromosphere, and so there really is a 500km thick fog layer that is obscuring them; so this is why they appear more diffuse..  


The only solution is to use a k2 filter, that is tuned on the 1500km region that hydrogen alpha 656.28 core layer is.   This "k2 special  filter" would  need a center bandwidth between 393.10nm and 393.25nm; and then the filaments would appear dark and thick as seen in hydrogen alpha.

Forgive my confusion but a 500 km thick fog layer above the H-alpha layer would give a clear advantage to Calcium. Not the reverse.
Perhaps you meant to say the H-alpha atmosphere is 500km thinner?

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