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Neighbour Shouted Out of Window About Camera Noise!

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....as a few of the other replies have suggested the issue is probably psychological rather than real, there is no way that your gear is producing anything other than minimal noise and your unlikely to make it any quieter.

....time to get the psychoanalysis couch out and try and work out the cause of the problem. It could be they just don't like the thought of someone out there while they sleep....  a myriad of possible causes but you will need to address them if you want to keep good relations and not get a 1kw security light pointed in your direction...

.... certainly have a talk and try to establish the root cause..

....but in my experience it is desirable to use a 'hide' or screen so that they are unaware of when you may be imaging, if they can't see you it may reduce the irritation factor.

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There is an argument to be made here in favour of your night time activity in your garden. It will make the neighbourhood more secure, as any potential burglars will shy away to less active areas.

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1 hour ago, wimvb said:

There is an argument to be made here in favour of your night time activity in your garden. It will make the neighbourhood more secure, as any potential burglars will shy away to less active areas.

Or they may smash your face in and rob your stuff. I'm sure that's a rare occurence though! 😉

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1 hour ago, ScouseSpaceCadet said:

Or they may smash your face in and rob your stuff. I'm sure that's a rare occurence though! 😉

Not recommended around here (Texas).  Too many people packing heat as a safeguard, and the criminals know it.

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7 minutes ago, wimvb said:

Tough neighbourhood.

Unfortunately it's quite likely many of us live in or very near a "tough neighbourhood". I call our little housing development, "Fort Apache". One way in, the same way out, fenced off and surrounded by the great unwashed.

Louis I'm no stranger to firearms but the only problem with "packing heat" is the criminals are going to do the same if they know the victim may be carrying. Armed house burglaries are rare in this country and our Police do a grand job being virtually unarmed, but that's another thread.

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1 minute ago, ScouseSpaceCadet said:

Louis I'm no stranger to firearms but the only problem with "packing heat" is the criminals are going to do the same if they know the victim may be carrying. Armed house burglaries are rare in this country and our Police do a grand job being virtually unarmed, but that's another thread.

They generally don't in Texas because they get a slap on the wrist if they aren't carrying when caught.  The courts come done hard on them when caught carrying.

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