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Following the development of the sunspots AR2835-37


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Another small window of sun observing this afternoon. The  limps of the sunspot AR2835 looked much smaller than yesterday; AR2836/37 were hardly visible today . @Nik271 thanks for the heads up on yesterdays post, what a change (first and second photos are from today and the last one is the crop from 3 July . I also noticed there are three small spots at around 9' clock that were not visible yesterday. Quite enjoying the sun observing although I always have the fear (DSLR goes in first before my eyes on the EP) despite all my checks prior to observing. As I am writing this it started chucking it down. The spots looked very similar to the SOHO website; it is a nice reference after observing.




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  • Kon changed the title to Following the development of the sunspots AR2835-37

It's interesting to see the sun change from day to day, isn't it!  I had a good sunny spell around lunchtime and also managed to see the group of three spots (2839), diametrically opposite to the big one - just as in your photo. As for the big one (2835) its umbral region had a bright center and on closer inspection with 130x it appeared bisected by a very thin white line visible only in short moments of good seeing. 

My safety check it to look at the filter behind the sun to check for small holes every time before I start observing. Never had any issues after 2+ years of use (Baader solar film on a Skymax 127).

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43 minutes ago, Nik271 said:

It's interesting to see the sun change from day to day, isn't it!  I had a good sunny spell around lunchtime and also managed to see the group of three spots (2839), diametrically opposite to the big one - just as in your photo. As for the big one (2835) its umbral region had a bright center and on closer inspection with 130x it appeared bisected by a very thin white line visible only in short moments of good seeing. 

My safety check it to look at the filter behind the sun to check for small holes every time before I start observing. Never had any issues after 2+ years of use (Baader solar film on a Skymax 127).

I agree, very dynamic from day to day. Seeing was not good at all; I got a good 10min but the rest was clouds and rain and did not have much time to spend on 2835 to make much details (the family were also trying to have a look at the same time). I do a similar safety check but I am always worried as a new observer thus why I start with my DSLR, cheaper to replace in case of a failure than an eye 👀.

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I just managed a quick session in between clouds. 2835 has indeed developed a light bridge across the dark umbra. The new group 2839 is now 6 tiny spots, a bit hard to see. I manged to take some pictures, here is a single frame:


I took a 4 minute video centered on 2835 which I will process, stack and post in the imaging section. The seeing was dodgy but there were some moments of clarity, so hopefully a lot more detail can be extracted.

I think 2835 is going to rotate out in a day or two. A pity - it just keeps evolving.

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First chance I’ve had to observe 2835 as I’ve had some serious cloud cover for what seems like an eternity. Pretty poor seeing along with gusts of wind but grabbed a few images. Glad I got to see it before it rotates out of view!



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1 hour ago, Nik271 said:

The new group 2839 is now 6 tiny spots, a bit hard to see. I manged to take some pictures

Exciting that they changed so much since yesterday! If I get a break in the clouds I will try give it a try and try snap some photos. Is the 2835 'bridge' more prominent today?

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4 hours ago, Kon said:

Exciting that they changed so much since yesterday! If I get a break in the clouds I will try give it a try and try snap some photos. Is the 2835 'bridge' more prominent today?

Yes, it was much more clear even in mediocre seeing. Definitely worth checking it if you can!

I just managed to stack my video, it's in the imaging section, here is the link:



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1 hour ago, Nik271 said:

Definitely worth checking it if you can!

Totally clouded today. The only clear spell I had, was when I was at the garage changing my tyres!!!😠 Lovely capture, thanks for sharing.

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6 hours ago, Epick Crom said:

Great capture of the sunspot Kon! Just be careful observing the Sun, what filters are you using? Is the filter over the objective lens? Great work and stay sun safe!!

Thanks. It is quite nice to follow the sun spots. I found these two sites very helpful as well:



No the filter is not over the objective lense but at the open end of the OTA. There a lot of threads at SGL on homemade ones. I use this filter:


I made two versions; one that fits my dustcup of the Dob and one for the full aperture.  You can also buy premade ones. I always make sure to check for any scratches or holes. I usually put my DSLR on prime focus first since if i have missed any scratches, it will damage the camera than my eyes. 

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