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First (night)Light Vixen VMC200L. 2021-06-16 38% Waxing


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After processing....  I was not satisfied with the Vixen files.  I frankly struggle with Hi-rez processing and again I thought they could be better.  I redid most of them with different software and sharpening on less frames.  On a few of the pics, I included both versions.  For Hi Rez...  I believe this is the way forward for me.   Astra Image for my 183MM files, and IMPPG for my 290MM files.

All photos here were shot with an IR742 filter.  One of these days I will get my filter drawer system worked out and I will be able to quickly change and check different filters and effects.  (need a custom spacer)


All images  shot around sunset or a little after


First, a little two piece mosaic with Vixen and 290MM.  Best 450of10000 each panel.  Astra Image


And just a piece redone with IMPPG - best 150 of 10000



Several Vixen and 290MM shots.  A couple with comparisons of processing.






450 of 10000 - Astra Image


Same image...   150 of 10000,  IMPPG






450 of 10000 Astra Image



150 of 10000 IMPPG



And finally, my full disc shot with my APM 140,  Siebert Optics Barlow @ 1.2X and ASI 183MM camera.




Clear skies!!





Edited by WestCoastCannuck
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I find the whole thing a bit of a dark art most times Mike. I always think it’s a bit like fishing. I’ve taken what I considered to be good quality files and been disappointed with the processing. I’ve also taken what I thought were poor files and produced something reasonable. I even vary between Registax 6 and 5 !
Its good that people like you share ideas on these sort of forums and hopefully we can all learn. I look forward to hearing how future attempts with the Vixen turn out. Good luck. Trevor 

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On 20/06/2021 at 01:05, Trevor N said:

I find the whole thing a bit of a dark art most times Mike. I always think it’s a bit like fishing. I’ve taken what I considered to be good quality files and been disappointed with the processing. I’ve also taken what I thought were poor files and produced something reasonable. I even vary between Registax 6 and 5 !
Its good that people like you share ideas on these sort of forums and hopefully we can all learn. I look forward to hearing how future attempts with the Vixen turn out. Good luck. Trevor 

You are so right about all you said Trevor.  😆  It is a dark art.  "Rules"..  really only are guidelines and data is nearly always different and can be processed effectively or not in many different ways.  😄

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