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Recommendations please

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Hello All,

I’m after a bit of advice please. I’ve come into a bit of cash and wanted to buy a second scope to be used for imaging and viewing. I have a Skwatcher Explorer 150 PDS so I’m thinking along the lines of something a bit more portable. Having done a bit of digging I thought the William Optics Zenithstar 61 II APO might be the way to go but wanted to get some opinions. My budget it about £500. 

Thanks in advance,


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I'm very happy with my Z61 so far, but if you're going to use it for imaging you will need to buy a flattener unless you have one. The WO flattener costs £170, so it will put you well above your budget. You could always try to find some second hand offers, though.

Edited by Felias
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Thanks Felias.

Has anyone else have some ideas? I’m not wedded to the idea of an additional scope, I’ve also considered selling my EQ5 Pro Synscan (V5 I think) and buying an HEQ5 or maybe a 6 of some description. 



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I think if you are looking at imaging then spend the money on a decent mount. The 150PDS you have is quite capable of some decent images, but a good mount is a must. I think an HEQ5 would be the minimum you would want and can always be paired with a wide field refractor later when finances permit.

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I think unless you expect to be troubled by a breeze or think you might want a bigger scope in the future (or add lots of guide scopes and heavy camera equipment), a 6 shouldn't be necessary.  Besides, a 6 is likely to set you back the best part of a grand.

Edited by jonathan
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On 12/06/2021 at 13:02, Sabalias said:

Thanks Felias.

Has anyone else have some ideas? I’m not wedded to the idea of an additional scope, I’ve also considered selling my EQ5 Pro Synscan (V5 I think) and buying an HEQ5 or maybe a 6 of some description. 



From your signature it seems you put your money in the HEQ5 mount. I think that’s wise, but with a small refractor, your EQ5 would have done OK providing you autoguided and would have let you image larger targets without having to make mosaics.

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