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The Sadr Region in all its noisy glory!


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Well it had been a month and I was itching to do some astrophotography so despite the not so dark sky's, moon light, clouds, lack of sleep, noisy data, lack of data! I did it anyway! 😁

I wasnt holding much if any hopes on the data, especially the OIII because that took some pushing to get the little amount that I managed for this image but despite the noise, I am however pleased with the result.


Taken over 4 recent nights, Ha 5hrs 10 min, OIII 5hrs 20mins

SW80 ED DS PRO scope, HEQ5 Pro mount

QHY 9 mono with Baader NB filters

Stacked in DSS and processed in PS.



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16 minutes ago, Adreneline said:

Despite all your worries and reservations that's turned out really well.

Thanks for sharing.


Thanks, yeah it has surprised me how well its gone :)

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Looks lovely @Rustang Any noise is well hidden in this sized image - the colours look superb.

5 minutes ago, Rustang said:

Sorry Star lovers but I think this looks beautiful! :)

Agreed.  It's good to see both versions sometimes.  

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