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Pretty Deep Maps


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Is this an issue with zips in general for the iPad, just large zips I wonder. In any case, I've created a small zip of a few charts in Octans here for you to try: testpdm.zip

Just one other thought: when I recently upgraded my laptop I noticed that the browser settings (Safari) were such that by default it didn't download without me explicitly giving permissions (this was an issue for all websites with zips, not just Zenodo). Quite frustrating until I figured it out (Firefox was fine). Have you tried with a different browser?


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your sample zip downloaded ok.

changed to Chrome on the iPad and it looked very promising.

downloaded to about 900Mb of a 1.3Gb file, then up came the message “unable to download “

tried three times, with the same result.

Running out of ideas.


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Can you not 'copy & paste' from your laptop to iPad ? ...that said, 'un-zipped' will use a lot of storage space on the iPad. 

I have it spread [a bit like Marmite or Vegemite] on two or three DVD-discs and one CD-disc... though I have not 'copy & paste' to my iPad and/or Android OS tablet.


Edited by Philip R
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2 hours ago, Merlin66 said:

There’s no way to “copy/paste” between the laptop and the iPad.

The best I’ve achieved is to email myself a file and open it on the iPad.


Have you tried saving the file to Dropbox, or something similar, and then use Dropbox on you ipad to open the file there?

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Well using Dropbox can be made to work...with some pain!!!

You also need an App on the iPad to accept files - "Documents" or "Files".

I ended up with folders for scircum. zip and index.zip. Then used WinZip to unzip to scircum and index folders (couldn't seem to get it to unzip to any other option)

In Documents, added a new folder Pretty Deep Maps, but found you can't select and move all the pdf files at once!!! About ten at a time....after a couple of hours (!!) I now have a first sample of the .pdf files and the Index.pdf files on the iPad.

Next step is obviously to see if after all this effort the result is worthwhile........... stay tuned.



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After all that, it doesn't seem to play well with an iPad.

I can get one chart to open - APS101 1.pdf  but that's it. No hyperlink etc.

The instruction say to select a constellation to move the chart to the centre of that constellation -how? Similarly to select an object type?????

Also "clicking the finder map moves the chart to the corresponding location" How do you "click" on an iPad???


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On a tablet, for 'click' read 'touch' ie the same way you would open a link on a website. 

The left hand part (i.e. everything that is not part of the chart itself) consists entirely of hyperlinks. So instructions like "click on a constellation code" simple means click (or touch) the 3-letter code representing the constellation at the top left of the chart. Likewise for object types. Maybe you are not seeing them for some reason related to the browser/ipad? Have you explored them on your laptop? I would recommend doing that first so you can see how the maps are meant to behave, because I can't work out whether the problems you're having are iPad-related.

You have to use a browser that supports hyperlinks (e.g. Acrobat Reader), and it is best to choose one that supports loading pdfs into the *same* window. There is an earlier thread on preferences for Acrobat to support this. I don't know of any other browsers that support hyperlinks properly and support reloading in the same window, but the experience using Acrobat is very smooth. Having said that, I have no idea what the iPad implementation of Acrobat Reader is like. 


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Thanks for the comments.

Adobe Acrobat is a paid App for the iPad but needs a current iPad Air 2 running at least IOS 13.3.

It won’t install on my older iPad Air.....bumma.


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Another issue.... the zip and unzipped .pdf files are "located" in the "files" App, but the Acrobat App couldn't see or find them !!!!!

The iPad is a PITA when it comes to files/ folders etc.


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