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Last Nights Moon 19/05/21

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Moon from last night. This was taken with a Skywatcher Skyliner 200p that I’m restoring. It came without a base (there’s something in the DIY section). Wanted to test the base as it’s just usable before I finish it off and the moon was an easy target. There’s an issue with the primary mirror and it was only roughly collimated. StarGuider 12mm eyepiece using a handheld iPhone 12 with standard camera app. Single shot with some basic editing and cropping.


I’ve been busy and have a few other pictures to post. Maybe tomorrow.


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I just cannot get handheld photos through the eyepiece at all that aren't a mess. I've tried a few times and given up in sheer frustration. I've done a lot better with cameras mounted to the scope. 

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Thanks guys. @Soligor Rob I’ve had dew related issues too. One initially had me stumped - I checked all eyepieces and mirrors and couldn’t see anything, but still the fuzzy pictures remained. Then, as I was packing up and had a light on, I discover that my phone camera lens was covered in dew. It spent a lot of time face down, camera up, on a side table!

@reezeh I prefer to use a mount when I can, but here I hadn’t intended to take any pictures and this was a quick test/experiment. However, I find some eyepieces easier than others, there’s certainly a bit of luck often requiring several attempts. And I’ve found that using “burst mode” (hold the shutter down & multiple pictures are taken in quick succession) can help. I’ll go through the burst mode finding the one that’s worked or is best.

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