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photos that i can not explain, could you help me?


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My name is Luiza, I am a student of Computer Engineering in São Paulo, Brazil and I would like to ask for your help.
As yesterday was the super pink moon day, I, at about 22:50, decided to take several photos of the moon using my phone and my non-digital telescope. And, analyzing the photos now, I realized that in some of them there are certain objects that I can't say exactly what they are. Could you help me identify them, please? I am not sure if they are satellites, ISS, Hubble, etc ... and I am very intrigued by themphotos.rar.

P.S: the objects are in the lower left corner of the images







Edited by luvalezim
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Hi and welcome to SGL.

I doubt they are any of the listed - ISS, Hubble or satellites - as those move across the sky very fast and won't stay stationary.

Out of 4 features shown - I think three are external to telescope and fourth is likely reflection on the eyepiece lens (local light just reflecting as it is very strangely shaped)

Those three sources show distinct signature of eyepiece edge of the field aberrations.


If you look at those and compare them - you 'll see that they very much look like middle rendition of star aberrated by eyepiece (and possibly coma if you are using newtonian telescope).

Where were you observing from? If you know exact observation time in UTC (GMT based - not your local time), you can figure out what was in the sky next to the Moon. Maybe they are just very bright stars that your phone picked up.

There is free software Stellarium that you can use to see Moon position at exact time of observation. You can use size of the moon (half a degree) to see what is the distance between the Moon and those dots - that can help your search.

You can also lookup satellites on this website https://www.heavens-above.com/ to see if it was maybe Geostationary satellite of some sorts (these satellites are in sync with rotation of the earth and don't move across the sky - usually used for communications - like TV satellites).

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I would agree with Vlaiv, they do not look like any artificial satellites that I have seen, which all appear as point sources with no structure - well to my eyes at least. Your objects have structure, the pair group look like slightly crumpled spheres illuminated from the top right and with the opposite side in shadow, whilst the elongate object looks like a partially eaten sausage (there is a less savoury analogy - but I will not use that one) but also appears to be illuminated from the same source as the pair. Both groups show what appears to be intrinsic colour - a shade of brown/orange but with one of the pair slightly darker. These factors suggest they are relatively nearby objects and nothing at high or orbital altitudes. The shape of the objects appears to remain consistent in each image so they do not appear to be aircraft strobe or navigation lights smeared out by the effect of camera movement. The interpretation of the white 'object' as being an optical artefact is quite plausible, but it appears to be keeping station relative to the brown objects in successive frames, so could be a real (maybe point source) object but with the image distorted by the camera lens into the shape you have captured. One obvious interpretation is that they are deflated or partially deflated balloons, which can appear quite unusual when seen at distance. But for balloons drifting on the wind they appear to be keeping station quite accurately and not tumbling as balloons tend to do when buffeted by the winds - which leads on the the question, do you remember if the wind direction on the night was the same as the direction of travel indicated in the different frames?


Anyway, the short answer is I haven't got a clue what you captured in those images, and everyone loves a mystery - don't they? 


Do you have any higher resolution copies?


Cheers, Barry.

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