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Wasn't sure whether to  put this in widefield, or Lunar - but its definitely the moon so I posted here. Actually Mars is there too lower right of the moon.

I noticed these trees some time back and felt it was begging for a picture, just needed to get the timing right - and when I knew we had a clear night and Mars was in the frame too it was too good an opportunity to miss. Did this with my Lumix FZ1000, single shot F2.8 ISO 1600 exp 8 seconds, 25mm FL. I used the Android Lumix capture app which works really well for focus and remote exposure ... although seems a bit flaky occasionally. 

Quite pleased with the outcome, though it would have worked better if I could have captured slightly earlier because the tree separation is more striking then - but the moon was too high at that time.

Exposure was good generally, as I wanted to get stars in and some sky, but washed out Mars' colour and also over-exposed the moon badly. It's only 26% illuminated but looks full! I should have done some shorter subs too and blended.... next time maybe! Hope you like it, thanks for looking!


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