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Great Siril Tutorials

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If like me you are new to Siril you may be interested in this. Gary does a great job of explaining the end to end process and even I managed to get a heartening image from just a few subs of M82 with my Mak!



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11 minutes ago, AstroMuni said:

Looking good....How many images was that?

I think that was around 80 lights with 20 bias and flats. Using my ST80 and the tutorial above (200 lights 60 bias and flats) I got this:



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40 minutes ago, AstroMuni said:

Great image. You have managed to get M81, 82 and a few others as well 👍

I found this useful as well, as it also gives you sample data to download https://siril.org/tutorials/tuto-scripts/

Thanks, I am really pleased with the image. Yeah, I'm a big fan of using sample data - you know that you are starting off with something good and its just your stacking & processing skill that will be the variable.

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I'll watch that tutorial. I wasn't sure whether it was Siril that I'd tried recently and dumped after we just sat looking at each other waiting for something to happen. I just installed it again and, yup, we're just sat here looking at each other 🤪


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SiriL is my go to tool, but I must admit that when I first got in to it, it felt like trying to run across a muddy field.  There's still a lot of room where it could be improved (after all it's still not even version 1.0) and some stuff like background extraction on a sequence or multi-session sequence merging could be a tad more accessible or brought on to the UI in a useable manner.  Still with how well it works, it should get more traction and user feedback implementations once it's a "real" programme not a beta.

A vid I did find useful when getting the head around the post stacking side of it was this one: 


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