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Had a go at Markarians Chain

Astro Waves

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So. I'm getting much better with star hopping which makes shooting more fun and I've also found that trying to find targets is easier at dusk because the brighter stars pop out more then it makes it easier to reference that with Stellarium (as I still haven't figured out plate solving yet). Good news, I managed to get about 2 hours data on new moon night....oooohhhh baby...down side, I was slightly out of focus which was annoying but its not going any where so I'll try again, but thought I would post the result anyway as I'm still really happy with it. I should have stayed on it longer rather than switching targets as I now have two out of focus images rather than one, haha.

Also I had to used darks from a previous session a day or two before because even thought I knew I took them they weren't on the memory card I hadn't touched from the night before, weird....maybe I didn't take them who knows aye (not me). Let me know what you think. 

Lights - x65 140 Seconds

Darks - x11 180 Seconds

Flats - x30 - 1/25 Second

Biases - x50 1/4000 Second

Bortle 4



Marakians Chain.jpg

Edited by Astro Waves
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