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Skytrain through M3 !


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Kicked off with a wonderful bright ISS pass, very warm out there at 15 C. Got to M3 , nice wide field view and suddenly the Skytrain went whizzing by. Some on line with varying gaps, went by for a few minutes.

Very light out there and it didn't improve, our southern sky bright from the town and golf ( now open) illuminated golf range. Gave up on galaxies, so back to binaries and mixed seeing. Some favourites in Coma Berenices and Leo. Finished off with low Porrima, very bright and a simple split, a big change from hardly being able to get it.

Some highlights,

35 Coma B.(Σ1687)lovely ra triple, look out for the faint c .

Algieba (γ Leonis) simply stunning , especially when you up the power !

54 Leonis, just a pin sharp marble like secondary.

Those marked "contrast " gave wisp ghostly secondaries, worth finding . 


Careful now and clear skies , Nick.

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Porrima! I managed about half those in the list tonight. How I ever missed Porrima/Gamma Virginis before now I don't know. A fantastic yellow-white matched double. Supposedly hard in a small telescope, however at 3.1" separation, an easy split with the 4" refractor and one of the best doubles I've observed.

Thanks Nick.

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