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I've seen the E & F stars in the Trapezium.

Just seen them 20.20 hours Sat 7th Feb. Really clear night but very bright moon. In my 12.5 mm Ortho I could clearly see a split between A & E stars. But unable to make a clear split between C & F. I could elongate them but thats all.

When I put in my 9mm Ortho I could see a very small gap appear between them. This disappeared with seeing but then reappeared from time to time.

It was definetly a split even though it was tenious at times. I was amazed at how close and dim these stars are in relation to their counterparts.

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well done Doc!

I managed to see the E (clearly) and the F (fleetingly) in my 10" dob on an exceptionally good night a month or two ago. I don't recall any problem in "splitting" A/E and C/F because they are actually reasonably widely split (both about 4 arcseconds) - I think the difficulty tends to be that E and F are faint and A and C are quite bright and quite close.

onwards to G and H ! :hello1:

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