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Processing the Horse Head Nebula- help required

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Hi all, 

I have stacked images in DSS (lights and dark) of the Horse Head Nebula, which I am now trying to process in StarTools. So far I can make out the Horse Head but the colours are v pixelated. I am very much learning post processing skills atm, and still a long way to go! - These images were taken when the moon was 60% so it could be that I am having issues with light. 

If anyone is able to help with advice, that would be much appreciated! - I have attached the stacked FITS file in case its easier to look for yourself. 

Thank you very much! 


Horsehead nebula_00001.fit

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That was just a quick process so you should be able to get something better out of it. If I were you, I would treat it as a learning exercise by gathering the exact same data on a moonless night and see what difference it makes

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From my limited experience, the "Marks in the optical chain" look just like the dust on the sensor I had a week or two back. A sensor cleaning kit fixed it. They did not show on individual subs but accumulate in stacking.



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I think your data acquisition efforts and precious time spent under the night skies are let down by not calibrating with flat frames. They are really not optional; they would calibrate out the dust smudges and severe vignetting.

Right now any signal is mired in uneven lighting, making it impossible for people (and algorithms) to discern artifact from faint signal.

Have a look here for some important do's and don'ts when acquiring and preparing your dataset for post-processing.


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13 hours ago, el_hop87 said:

 the colours are v pixelated

There’s your problem. What you describe are symptoms of underexposure. Either your sub exposures are too short or you have too few. More data is the best solution. Withe the moon about, you need even more data in order to reduce the noise caused by moon light.

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13 hours ago, el_hop87 said:

Thank you everyone! 

I'm using a Nikon D5200, AZ GTI, SW Evostar 72ED, IDAS light pollution filter. 25 second subs, for a total of 1 hour 13 mins +10 Darks. 


Great inage with the az gti were you using it in eq or az mode, as I've the az gti and 72ed coming moro hopefully, no wedge yet as my star adventurer probably not arriving until late April at earliest and like to give this a go. Clear skies 

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