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What is IC110

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Didn’t really know where to post this so mods, if you have other ideas feel free. Due to lack of clear skies for what seems like months now I have been trying to wear out Stellarium with research and needless searches.

Last night I stumbled across a new ‘one’ for me. IC 110 in Pisces with a description that says the following “Object of unknown nature”. 
I took this to be just data missing from the program but I have just googled it got a similar ambiguous answer.

Now I am led to believe that we are still in discussions about the nature of quasars as an example so not knowing is not new. However there was a lack of info on the object too, and not knowing has never stopped astronomers from coming up with ideas.

Can anyone give us more. Is there a Hubble picture? Any data on composition?


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Thank you Tiny Clanger. So we are still none the wiser! Oh the mystery. Seriously though I think it was just because I was looking at faint collection of mag 13 galaxies and noted the odd one out ‘orange circle’.

Unfamiliar with this I clicked on it and realised there was a non object there, a lot of the usual tech info on the left was missing and the description was the first of that type I had seen.

Short lived SN remnant?


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I've found very little else about that object, but some biographical data on M. Bigourdan , who seems to have been a busy observer : over three thousand published pages of observations according to his obituary :


and then there's a wiki page , not in English though !


which turns out to be Bosnian .. google translate gives

"IC 110 is a double star and is located in the constellation Pisces. The first discovery was made by Guillaume Bigourdan on November 5, 1885. "

Not much I'm afraid !

If he had been observing in England that evening, I'd have flippantly wondered if he mistakenly recorded seeing a firework ...



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Brilliant! Bonfire night. That would explain a few things. My late father in Law was cremated on bonfire night. A few people asked if was going to be a diy affair. You know how sadness and passing can bring out humour to lighten a moment.

If it was a double star then he must have been mistaken by observation or position or it would be known by now.

What does IC mean. I thought it was International Catalogue. If so, and it didn’t exist then I would have thought it would be stricken by now.


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4 minutes ago, Marvin Jenkins said:

The thing I really don’t get now is why it is on Stellarium when it has not been seen since 1880 something.

I am aware that some variable nebula disappear and sometimes reappeared but after 140 years? 


I wonder .. stellarium I think is of French origin ? Maybe there's some national pride in Guillaume being expressed by including his discoveries , even if they may have proven dubious ...

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1 minute ago, bottletopburly said:


I am still unclear what IC110 and IC111 refer to in the picture as there is no circle like the distant galaxies.

Thank you for the picture by the way, some of those NGC objects were the reason I found IC110 in the first place.

still don’t understand why it is of unknown origin or make up if it appears to be a star. We have billions of dollars of kit in space mapping all that and more.


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3 minutes ago, Tiny Clanger said:

I wonder .. stellarium I think is of French origin ? Maybe there's some national pride in Guillaume being expressed by including his discoveries , even if they may have proven dubious ...

Quite possibly TC. I saw a news report recently saying that France was the world leader in telecoms! Despite never having mobile signal and all of us in the sticks walking around with tin foil hats to get mobile signal. 
Its not bad, but ‘world leaders’ I think a lot of countries are indulging in self promotion at the moment. 


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