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MARCH 16TH - MOON 3.34 DAYS, 10.2%.


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There was some nice detail on the terminator tonight, including Endymion, Messala, Geminus, Cleomedes, Petavius, Snellus, Stevinus and Furnerius.

I observed with the Tecnosky 102ED F7 refractor from about 5.50pm to 7pm.  It was nice to see the Moon in an increasingly dark blue sky as the dusk progressed and the earthshine became visible. 

The seeing was not great but in better moments there was good detail using the binoviewer, x2 barlow and 24mm Orthos, giving around  x119.  I took the attached single frame at 6.35pm with my Olympus E-M5 Mk11.


Edited by paulastro
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  • paulastro changed the title to MARCH 16TH - MOON 3.34 DAYS, 10.2%.
18 minutes ago, mikeDnight said:

That's beautiful!

I had to play Snakes & Ladders with my grandson after tea, and so by the time id made it into the observatory, the moon had set behind the trees opposite the house.

Thanks Mike, it was taken from my new roofless observatory! 😊.

My session ended when it went behind my chimmney.

Edited by paulastro
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16 hours ago, paulastro said:

Thanks Mike, it was taken from my new roofless observatory! 😊.

My session ended when it went behind my chimmney.

I have a roofless and wall less observatory. It's called my patio :grin:

Nice lunar photo !

I was hoping for a quick lunar excursion later today but the cloud cover looks a bit too solid just now.


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To all on this thread. I was observing the moon last night at 18:00 uk time (I am one hour ahead at 44 degrees lat.

The moon was a fantastic crescent and I could observe two illuminated peaks next to each other well past where the point of the southern illumination ends.

I believe  #paulastro  ‘great photo’ has picked up one of these. Does anyone know what these two peaks are? as they appear beyond the terminator.

I read today that it is possible to see more than 50% of the moon but I am unsure of the mechanics.


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1 hour ago, John said:

I have a roofless and wall less observatory. It's called my patio :grin:

Nice lunar photo !

I was hoping for a quick lunar excursion later today but the cloud cover looks a bit too solid just now.


Actually it's clear now so I am getting a look. Interesting illumination of the Messier crater pair close to the terminator :smiley:

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