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ASCOM logs issue with Sesto Senso 2


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I'm having an issue with ASCOM logs files with the Sesto Senso 2 focuser. The ASCOM driver does NOT have login/debugging enabled and I'm still seeing giant logs, which can be several Gb in size, after a long session. I've checked for a setting to toggle logging off in the ASCOM diagnostics and HUB tools but I can't find anything.  Is anyone seeing the same or a similar issue?



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Found the boot drive of my remote PCs filling up to saturation. I had to delete the files as I couldn't find what they were used for.

Haven't found out how to stop either Sesto Senso or ASCOM writing them.

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8 hours ago, Dr_Ju_ju said:

does the software 'calling' the Ascom driver have logging enabled ??

No. That is one of the miseries. PRIMALUCELAB has created the ASCOM driver version 3 and I would guess they have somehow managed to get hardcode debugging on at a high level. But they haven't replied to my emails. 

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7 hours ago, DaveS said:


Found the boot drive of my remote PCs filling up to saturation. I had to delete the files as I couldn't find what they were used for.

Haven't found out how to stop either Sesto Senso or ASCOM writing them.

So, I'm not going crazy then. Thanks for confirming the issue! I'm regularly deleting the files manually but this is quite annoying. The focuser software can trash the entire system if left unattended, which is normal, and I'm consideing returning and replacing it for another brand. 

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I take it you're running on Windows, but other systems could also do it as well, you can create a small batch file that will delete the files, that can then be run by the "Task Scheduler" system at pre determined times e.g. every 15 mins

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5 hours ago, Dr_Ju_ju said:

I take it you're running on Windows, but other systems could also do it as well, you can create a small batch file that will delete the files, that can then be run by the "Task Scheduler" system at pre determined times e.g. every 15 mins

That is what I had in mind - however, I'm skeptical of this approach as deleting logs files, while the driver is running can lead to other problems. But this is indeed the last resort option.


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Just to let you know that PRIMALUCELAB are in contact now and will report back asap.
They have managed to reproduce the issue. Hopefully there will be a fix soon.
From my side, just to let you know, viewing these logs grow madly as soon as the focuser is connected, using:

From a PowerShell terminal:

Get-Content <file> -Wait

 was quite alarming 😓



Edited by rodrigol
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