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First visual session in a long time!


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This is the first observing report I have done here, so hopefully it's ok!

So, for quite a while now I have been focusing on astrophotography. With the full moon tonight, I decided instead of setting up the AP rig, I didn't want to waste the clear night so for the first time in ages, I got the 150p on the EQ3-2 out for a visual session. Yeah, it's not the best scope, and I only have the BST starguider eyepieces, so quite a modest setup, but it'll do!

I started by going for a red star I heard about not long ago and cannot believe I never heard of it earlier. La Superba in the constellation Canes Venaciti. Fantastic shade of red! There wasn't much else in the FOV at 75x so it really stood out against the background. I'll have to have another look at this when the moon has gone.

As it was nearby, I decided to go for Mu Cephei which is one of my favourite red stars. Was more of an orangey red tonight, possibly the moons influence there, but still always nice to look at!

I had a little look at my sky safari carbon star list for any others nearby and came across S Cephei. After about 15 minutes I finally located it and glad I did!! I haven't viewed this one before but was a really nice shade of deep red. It was quite dim, but it had a very vivid colour that really stood out. 

Decided to attempt a carbon star in Draco but gave up after 20 minutes ob struggling to locate it. 

Decided to look for some doubles, and decided on Tegmine. Poor choice really as it was quite close to the moon, but I always like having a look at this one. Managed the 2 easily enough but even after 20-25 minutes, was unable to resolve the 3rd component. 

As I was in the area, decided to go for Iota Cancri. This is one of my favourite winter doubles with a nice yellow/blue pairing. The colours on these stars are quite pale, so with the moon being so nearby, the colours were distinguishable, but not as pronounced as usual. Definitely a great object to look at under darker skies. The blue component looked on the whiter side to usual!

Feet ended up getting quite cold by this point so packed away. Pretty happy with my first visual session in a while! Need to get back after those carbons/doubles soon!

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4 hours ago, Epick Crom said:

Nice first report! Carbon and double stars are visually rewarding targets. Glad you got some observing done despite the night sun!

Thanks. It's a shame how the moon washes out colour. I've always been a fan of hunting carbon and double stars (especially colour contrasting doubles) so it was nice to get out again. Will definitely have another look at S Cephei under a moonless night. The red on that one was lovely!

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My first scope and mount was the 150p on a EQ3-2 mount modest yes also brilliant I saw 6 stars in the trapezium something I have yet to replicate in any of my scopes I have had since one being a 200p. The BST Starguider eyepieces are very good for there money I have 3 a 15mm which I would not swap for a Televue anytime.

The full moon is a bane on viewing Tegmine I have only split recently into its 3 components and that was with a 5" refractor Iota Cancri is a lovely double but as you said washed of colour in the moonlight. The 6" and BST`s are very capable I onced wowed a seasoned astronomer with the 150p and a 8mm BST looking at the Ring Nebula (M57) he could not believe how good it looked.

Keep at it maybe get a motor for the mount to aid tracking but you have a great set up there to do lots of things with.

Best wishes


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2 hours ago, wookie1965 said:

My first scope and mount was the 150p on a EQ3-2 mount modest yes also brilliant I saw 6 stars in the trapezium something I have yet to replicate in any of my scopes I have had since one being a 200p. The BST Starguider eyepieces are very good for there money I have 3 a 15mm which I would not swap for a Televue anytime.

The full moon is a bane on viewing Tegmine I have only split recently into its 3 components and that was with a 5" refractor Iota Cancri is a lovely double but as you said washed of colour in the moonlight. The 6" and BST`s are very capable I onced wowed a seasoned astronomer with the 150p and a 8mm BST looking at the Ring Nebula (M57) he could not believe how good it looked.

Keep at it maybe get a motor for the mount to aid tracking but you have a great set up there to do lots of things with.

Best wishes


Yeah, even though I've upgraded various other bits for a new rig, I kept this one for some visual astronomy, but haven't had it out in a while. When the weather is a bit nicer, I intend to have the imaging rig going while I have this one nearby for visual too. 

I have a few of the BST Starguiders now, hoping to get the full collection. Also have the stock pair it came with, a few Celestron Omni eyepieces (32mm & 40mm), some Celestron X Cel-LX eyepieces (18mm & 5mm) and an ED Meade 5mm which I lost the box so cannot remember the model! So have a half decent range for it!

Yes, the full moon was a pain, but couldn't pass up the chance to get a proper look again after a few months! I might try my hand at sketching someday too while the imaging rig is going.

I already have the dual axis enhanced motors for the EQ3-2 as it used to be my imaging mount before upgrading it. Still have to find things manually, but nice to switch on the motors so I can get a cuppa and come back if needed!

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Brilliant I had the whole set I didn't get on with the 5mm I use a 4.5mm TMB now much easier, I have a televue Plossl a couple of Meade stamped with Japan on so I know they are good a lovely vixen 10mm and a 8-24mm celestron zoom, my goto eyepiece is the 15mm BST though it is by far a brilliant eyepiece. 

Your lucky having the motors when I had my set up it was manual all the time I found loads with it though and learned the sky much better then. 

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3 minutes ago, wookie1965 said:

Brilliant I had the whole set I didn't get on with the 5mm I use a 4.5mm TMB now much easier, I have a televue Plossl a couple of Meade stamped with Japan on so I know they are good a lovely vixen 10mm and a 8-24mm celestron zoom, my goto eyepiece is the 15mm BST though it is by far a brilliant eyepiece. 

Your lucky having the motors when I had my set up it was manual all the time I found loads with it though and learned the sky much better then. 

My go to is usually the 25mm just to find the object, then the 12mm once I have it centered. Then depends what it is as to which I go for next!

I started off without the motors, and had already learnt the sky with my first scope, which was a Celestron Astromaster 90 refractor. I've since sold that on now. I didn't invest in a GoTo system till this year, so have done a few years of manually finding objects. Definitely think it's something that was worth doing! 

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