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Why does my background look like this?

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Hi all. I tried photographing the Bode's and Cigar galaxy last night under Bortle 9 skies, but my final stacked image had a really mottled background after gradient subtraction in siril. Even before gradient removal, my background still looked quite horrible. Can anybody offer a possible explanation for this? My 30-second subs were quite washed out in the beginning but got a little bit better as the target rose above the skyglow of my area. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

Screenshot 2021-02-22 at 1.21.09 PM.png

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The stripes are walking noise most likely caused by not dithering as Miguel said.

The inconsistent (not flat) background can have a number of causes, especially if your setup has light leaks or reflections which makes background subtraction much more difficult.

I don't know anything about siril,  but if I got a background like this I would he looking for samples placed too close to stars in the dark areas which are then fooling the background modelling prior to subtraction.

APP can do a decent job but the nuclear option is something called a synthetic flat in PI. This will flatten the background although I don't think it will help with the walking noise:


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