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Tuesdays try......

Stu Wilson

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So i got all excited, got home from work realised that i had the 1st clear sky in nearly 300 light years lol.

Got everything set up, pole good, guiding etc, and after an hour or so of messing about decided to go for M108 to see how the new OTA would perform.

Wasnt until after an hour of imaging i realisd that id forgotten to collimate. I think focus slightly out too but hey thats what happens when your in a rush.

Anyway heres 1 hours worth of 10 min subs on M108 and a little friend in the bottom right corner,


Clear Skies and collimation.




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10 hours ago, Stu Wilson said:

a rewarding result


Yeah. I'm sure you'll like it. Here's the owl with the f5 version of your gso. For added detail, stick a UHC filter on the end of the cc but also note that if you do, you'll lose most of the galaxy:(

If it's not holding collimation, try compressing the springs a little more by turning the adjusters clockwise a turn or so.


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