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Bresser 127 Mak or SW 127 Mak

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Anyone have a preference for which is better value ? The Bresser is a full 127 apature vs the true 119 of the Skywatcher but is it worth the extra cost (JohninDerby) you’re exempt from this one 😂 and which is the better quality visual ( not AP) experience ? 

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I can't comment on the Bresser, but I have the Mak 127 and it is a superb scope, particularly for lunar and planetary... it's super sharp, doesn't take too long to cool down (I leave mine out for about 30mins anyway) and is light enough to mount on a grab and go mount. I have mine permanently mounted on the Scopetech Zero, with binoviewer and Hyperion zooms, ready to go for the moon.

It's also fantastic for double stars and pretty decent on most DSOs. You're not going to get wide fields with this, but then that's a known part of long(er) focal length Maks anyway.

I've had mine almost a year, was superbly collimated out of the box and has remained so ever since.

I did briefly have a Mak 150, which was also extremely good, provided just that tiny extra edge in resolution, but it was significantly heavier and I really couldn't find enough of a difference (at the time) to justify keeping it, so retained the Mak 127 👍

Edited by HollyHound
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I have the 'old' mak 127, read somewhere the new ones have a larger mirror & larger dia tube?~ you'd need to confirm this with a supplier though.

As a more allrounder i'd say the skywatcher. Planetary & lunar, the Bresser should be better,but i haven't owned one.

Mak127 aint bad for DSO apart from the large ones~ performance somewhere between a ST102 & ST120, closer to the latter. Contrast is good DSO wise, best subjective lunar views i've ever had.

Whichever you get, buy or make a dew shield~ pretty important IMO.

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The used market in the US for the Synta 127 Mak is far larger than for the ES/Bresser version.  I picked up an Orion and a Celestron labelled version for $200 each over the last couple of years here.  I have noticed the used prices have jumped 50% to $300 over than last year, though.  However, I've never seen a used ES/Bresser come up for sale.  Either there aren't that many here, or there are lots and no one wants to sell theirs.

My point is, if you want to buy used, the Synta 127 Mak is really the only option, at least on this side of the pond.

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Thanks all 👍🏼 I think I’m going for the bresser in the end as it bigger - the 6” Evo by celestron is however tempting me right now as well although more expensive I’m liking what I read so may be it’s an option however the azi GTI mount does a lot for the price and I’m seriously considering placing the bresser 127 Mak onto it 👍🏼

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Over a decade ago, I went for the Skywatcher Skymax 127, with Synscan GoTo. I liked it so much that I bought a second system for my holiday home in France. I have no experience of the Bresser model. Although I now have other OTAs, the 127 is the one that gets the most use.

A quick look at the FLO site, and it looks as though both OTAs are on a "slow boat from China", not due to dock for another few months 😢.


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