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2020 Vision


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Or my year in images. All captured from my Bortle 4/3 location with the TS 130 rig, ASI 1600 and either Baader LRGB or Astrodon NB filters. Roughly in chronological order, though there was some overlap in the image capture. Processing mainly in AstroArt 7, with some polishing in Affinity Photo.

M33 Triangulum, 10 hours HaLRGB, Capture right at the beginning of the year.


Next on to the Leo Triplet, 29 hours HaLRGB


And M106, 33 hours. a bit dubious about this one, will likely have another go with the ODK12


Next a couple of Globulars. Firstly M13, 6 hours RGB


And M5, also 6 hours RGB, with a synthetic Luminance. This is a bit of a crop due to the small size of the target in the FoV


Now we move into summer, and emission nebulae, captured largely in Nautical Dark. There is some overlap in the captures through here.

Starting with the Witches Broom, SHO 12 hours S, and 6 hours each H, and O which are stronger in this target.


And Fleming's Triangle. This was only 8 hours S, with 4 hours each H, and O.


Staying in Cygnus for the Tulip Nebula. SHO with 11 hours S and O, with 6 hours H. Was going for 12 hours each S and O but the weather was against me.


Moving into Cassiopeia for Melotte 15 in the Heart Nebula. SHO again with 9 hours S, 4 hours H and 12 hours O. Another one affected by weather.


And lastly (Phew! hope you made it this far) we have M27, the Dumbbell in Vulpecula. 9 hours each N, H, and O. Note, [NII], not [SII]


And that's it for this year. The last three months have been dire for imaging, with the few clear nights affected by either too much moon, or too much wind.

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It's fair to say they compare favourably with anything I've ever come across on t'internet. I'm assuming you're "only" an amateur but I'd easily have believed they originated from a professional outfit! I think stunning is the only appropriate word. Worth pointing out that the thread title's meaning could be construed as relating to eyesight but 20/20 vision is actually average, contrary to popular belief. These are not "average" images!

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Thanks guys.

I'm somewhat surprised that I managed that number of postable images through the somewhat rubbish year we've had. I also have other projects started but on hold until I can capture the rest of the data, and one or two that simply aren't up to scratch.

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