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The Intergalactic Wanderer


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Or to give its catalogue designation NGC 2419.  Globular cluster in Lynx.  Quite small and with a magnitude of 10.3 relatively insignificant. Until one takes into account that it is 300,000 light years distant both from Earth and from the centre of the galaxy. Almost twice as far away as the Magellanic Clouds. So in fact it is large and intrinsically as bright as such well known clusters as Omega Centauri, and its popular name of 'Intergalactic Wanderer' is richly deserved.

After the disappointment for me of clouds for the closest approach of Jupiter and Saturn on 21st, the sky cleared beautifully around midnight.  Typical!  The Moon had set, so I was able to get the data for this target. QSI683 camera on RC10 telescope with Starlight Xpress AO unit. Luminance 15 x 5 minutes, RGB each 9 x 5 minutes all binned 2x2 

Might be clear again later tonight (23rd) after a day of solid rain, and I need some colour data for another image.  But the Moon doesn't set until after 2 am.   Well, maybe next year 😉

Cheers, and Happy Christmas.



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Thank you, Andrew.

Because we generally view these distant objects in only two dimensions it's particularly interesting to note that the distance for the bright star nearest to the cluster in this image is given as 313 Light Years.  So although they appear to be next to each other, the cluster is almost a thousand times further away!



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Great image.  I little small to be imaged with my set up but I'll give it a go if the skies ever clear.  I remember being happy when I managed to see this one visually some years ago in my very light polluted sky with an 8" SCT.

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