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Another Plate of Spaghetti - SH2-240


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I've been following the progress of @tooth_dr on his multi panel mosaic project of the Spaghetti Nebula as we have been running in parallel with imaging this elusive object.  

For my project I have taken a wide- field approach using my Samyang135mm lens with ASI1600MM and Optilong narrow band filters. I posted my initial image of Ha last month.

This has been a very challenging object, the hours required, the number of subs (CMOS camera), processing and UK weather/skies.
I should try and get more Sii definitely and better Oiii, but I want to move on and put my APO back on the mount to capture some other winter objects in narrowband.

For now its just under 16hrs total integration with about half that time again in discarded subs  due to low quality skies/ cloud, high cloud etc....
I have reduced the stars significantly by using Starnet and then processing stars separately, still issues to resolve in that process, but here is my 'final' 🤨 image - at least for now..

Samyang 135mm , F2
ASI1600MM cooled -20degC
Optilong Ha, Oii, Sii 1.25" filters
240s subs using gain 200, offset  50
All captured and controlled using raspberry Pi4 running astroberry KSTARS/EKOS
Ha - 8.5hrs
Oiii - 5.4hrs
Sii - 2hrs
Integrated using APP, processed with Pixinsight/Photoshop



Edited by bdlbug
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I am just south of Northampton, so can image East-South-East across countryside, but its being rapidly built on.  Clear Outside has me under Class 5 Bortle

Edited by bdlbug
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