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Hello From Victoria BC

Barry W

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thanks again,I did download the Stellarium program. You're right it is easy to set up and use. I had a good chance to play last night - clouded over and even decided to snow! All the snow is gone already, but the clouds and rain are still here - the joy of living in Victoria


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Hi Barry, welcome to SGL. Having spent a year in Victoria and Vancouver a few years back I must say it's nice to have someone on SGL who gets more cloud and rain than I do in Somerset :(

That said you have some fantastic dark skies if you can get out of town!


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Hi Barry,

Where are you in Victoria?

Although I'm in the UK now, I'm originally from B.C., and spent 5 fantastic years in Victoria working at a radio station (do you ever listen to The Q?). You live in one of the most beautiful cities in the world, and I hope to return for good at some point in the not-too-distant future.

I visited a friend two years ago who lives on the beach in Cadboro Bay, I had a great evening on his roof, viewing the southern horizon stars over the water...very inspiring.

If I understand correctly, Island View beach is quite popular with astronomers too.

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(p.s. It is a chilly day here - but the forecast calls for a nice clear night - Can't wait!)

Yeah, right! What's a chilly day in Lotusland, 5 degrees? :) I've been to Victoria a couple of times, and plan to do it a few more before I die. It's a beautiful city, as someone else has said. It's too cold to think about putting the scope out, here, even when it's clear, which is seldom.

Your reasons for joining this forum are very sound. It's a great place, except that it's full of Brits. :( You made a good choice of scope, too. Mine's a 6" Newt, but after reading your post, I think I'll call it the 'Star Deacon.'

Good to have you aboard, sir! :salute:

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Thought I'd answer a couple of the recent questions.Yes I do listen to the Q! A little more to Jack FM now though.I live in Gordon Head (just between Cadboro Bay and Cordova bay). It's on the east side of greater Victoria. A nice spot to live, I think. Originally from out east - yes I'll take the chilly 5 degree weather here for the winter time and the rain over the snow.Somerset was mentioned. My wife has relatives over that way. Her mother grew up in Taunton (I think I spelled it correctly) and she was born in Wallsend, making her a Jordie from what I've been told. I'm what they call your standard displaced Newfie.

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.....Somerset was mentioned. My wife has relatives over that way. Her mother grew up in Taunton (I think I spelled it correctly) and she was born in Wallsend, making her a Jordie from what I've been told. I'm what they call your standard displaced Newfie.

Taunton's where I currently live although I'm basically a displaced Scot... yes, we get the same jokes about us that I recall Newfie's occasionally getting over in BC. My wife grew up in the north east although I don't think she can quite claim to be a Geordie... small world...


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