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Solar Image from the 29th November

Nigella Bryant

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Hi all, only just had time to do a quick process of yesterdays solar activity. Lunt 60DS and Zwo Asi 178mm camera. False colour added in PS CS2 when I've added those. Still more to process from yesterday and a couple of days before.




Edited by Nigella Bryant
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12 minutes ago, Davey-T said:

Nice one Nigella, three days of fog here and now it's raining, hope I get a chance to see this AR before it disappears.


I guess it's just hit and miss, fog rolled in here just as I'd finished yesterday. I just have an hour's window from some trees and declining altitude of the sun from the RoR. So it's quite difficult but I've managed to get data on the 26th, 27th and 29th. Life's got in the way so still a lot of data to go through. 

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