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Mars and dust storm - 21st November 2020


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Hello, did this drawing at 18:20UT in between clouds and initially had good steady seeing - AIII.

The light coloured gap where the dust storm is at 7 o'clock on the disk was quite clear.

Drawing was done with a prism diagonal and binoviewers at x224 in a 4" refractor. CM was 99'

By 18:30UT seeing had deteriorated badly so I had been very lucky - for once - LOL.

Mars is getting small now so hopefully we will get some more clear nights soon.....


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21 hours ago, dweller25 said:

Hello, did this drawing at 18:20UT in between clouds and initially had good steady seeing - AIII.

The light coloured gap where the dust storm is at 7 o'clock on the disk was quite clear.

Drawing was done with a prism diagonal and binoviewers at x224 in a 4" refractor. CM was 99'

By 18:30UT seeing had deteriorated badly so I had been very lucky - for once - LOL.

Mars is getting small now so hopefully we will get some more clear nights soon.....


Another nice observation David!   I've dropped my guard lately as far as Mars is concerned, but after your encouraging e-mail, I took the DZ out last night and made a sketch. It shows the Solis Lacus region near to centre with Margeritifer towards proceeding limb. The diagonal was at an angle for comfort, so the polar cap is at 2 O'clock. Interestingly SL is usually very dark at its centre, hence it's pet name the Eye Of Mars, but last night it was very washed out. Is this the dust storm?

Regards, Mike 


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