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How do I start imaging after i bought equipment

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I bought my DSLR, my 6 inch reflector and the T2 adapter/ring system and I hit rock bottom because I don't know what to do next. I read some articles about long exposure, darks and flats and subs but i have no idea what does are. I have photoshop and deep sky stacker...

So, what do I do next? Is there an article or youtube video that could help? 



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With a manual mount and not having a RA drive at the moment you can only take short exposures before the stars will start to trail.

But even with a manual mount you can image the Moon and the planets by taking videos and then stacking the individual frames. Here is a good starter guide by Jerry Lodriguss:



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Must have an Equatorial mount capable of tracking and guiding to do long exposure.

I wrote a page on my website about 11 years ago.  Equipment has changed since then, but the basic principles are the same.  Might give you some idea.



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just put a lens on the camera and put it on a tripod focus on a bright object (the moon) and take some short exposures of around 3 to 5 seconds (not of the moon them exposures would be too long and iso too high) with a 50mm lens at iso 1600 to 3200 and take lots of them in raw file format then stack them with deep sky stacker ,for the moon you would need iso 100 and exposure time around 250th to 500th of a second as a test hope this helps.

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