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Not a great images scale but this is destined for addition to an M82 as well. I have M 66 pouring into the tube as I write with nithered fingers. Anyway 2 hours Ha was not enough. Binned colour of 30 mins and Lum of an hour and a half.



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You're right, it is odd. I'm sure there will be others, probably in the catalogues of interacting galaxies - the Arp, for instance. I must read up on M81.

What focal length are you using? A guy on a French forum didn't think much of this image and said so - but he would have used his AP1200 mounted C14 and SBIG ST10 on this target. I was glad to get this far with 127/950mm.


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A guy on a French forum didn't think much of this image and said so - but he would have used his AP1200 mounted C14 and SBIG ST10 on this target. I was glad to get this far with 127/950mm.


Well I must disagree with the "frenchman" I think its a might fine image Olly...

We all strive to do the best we can with the kit we have... I am sure that we would all like to have access to these superb and expensive setups.... :)

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Hi Olly, that Ha starburst is very very faint. As you say, 2 hours isn't enough! Here is my effort last year with an FLT 110 and an SXVH9. Not very long on the LRGB, less than an hour. 4 hours Ha and still really had to push that channel. With 4 hours I was able to get it to show up whilst still keeping the rest of the background reasonable neutral. You've had to push so hard you've reddened the background which makes blending so tricky.


I think you are onto a winner though so keep adding the Ha. Maybe this is one to have a go with with my 10"LX200 and AO when I visit LesGranges next April!! Must check what the moon is doing then and get in touch.

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Thanks Martin, that's great information and I'll act on it. I'm out there now on Big Sister M81 but next on the list will be more Ha. Yours is really spectacular and was the sort of thing I was looking for. As for bringing your own scope, please do. I have an FSQ visiting at the moment - very nice - and since I have had seven visiting Takahashis this year I am going to declare myself...GROAN...a Tak's Haven.

I'm off!



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