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Noob & all new kit - shakedown 1


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With some clear skies overhead this evening, I took the opportunity to do a shakedown of the new rig.

I have a Skywatcher EQ3 Pro - thanks @Jamgood
A Raspberry Pi running Astroberry
Canon DSLR with either 70-200mm f2.8 or 100-400 f4.5
RVO 32mm mini guide scope 
ZWO 120mm mini CCD
12v leisure battery
Self build 12v power distro box (3x12v & 6xUSB3)

Yesterday, I got the focus pretty close on the guide scope - thanks @gilesco, @Chefgage& @m.tweedyfor advice.

Got the mount set up - tripod level, roughly polar aligned.
Haven't got the bits to mount both DSLR and guide scope yet, so just DSLR mounted.
Kstars \ INDI on Astroberry talking nicley to mount and camera
Alignment - offline plate solving working
Polar alignment - image capture no problem, but when it came to rotating the mount, it was very very slow. Not sure what's going on there - must be a setting somewhere. Direct control was the same (software hand controller). Messing with this gave the clouds time to roll in.
Was going to fine tune focus on guide scope - but clouds :(

For a shakedown, pretty pleased with this. Even though I didn't get any images, good to get stuff working, having never done any of this before.

Pic is the power distro box 


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Does the power LED on the mount blink when you slew to a target? If so, the voltage is too low. Next item to check is slew speed (press 2 on the hand controller, plus 7, 8 or 9).

Edited by wimvb
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29 minutes ago, wimvb said:

Does the power LED on the mount blink when you slew to a target? If so, the voltage is too low. Next item to check is slew speed (press 2 on the hand controller, plus 7, 8 or 9).

Didn't notice a flashing led.
This describes exactly same https://indilib.org/forum/ekos/5628-slow-slew-rate-when-polar-aligning-or-manually-controlling-mount.html
After stopping the polar align process, back to park position was as expected

And I think this sorts out the issue - https://indilib.org/forum/ekos/7057-polar-alignment-question.html

Appreciate your assistance @wimvb


Edited by Kryptic
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If you are slewing manually with the handset, I think the default speed setting is 2 which is very slow. You can change the speed in the settings on the handset up to 9 which is quite nippy.

Not sure about Astroberry though as I've never used it. 

There is no LED light on the EQ3Pro.

Edited by Jamgood
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2 hours ago, Jamgood said:

If you are slewing manually with the handset, I think the default speed setting is 2 which is very slow. You can change the speed in the settings on the handset up to 9 which is quite nippy.

Yeah, I missed the PA assist module slew speed drop-down - I reckon it was that


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