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Cocoon Nebula and Barnard 168

Laurin Dave

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IC 5146, the Cocoon Nebula and Barnard 168 in Cygnus.   Data acquired with 4 scope/camera systems over 2 years...  most recently dodging the clouds over the last few days I got  60 mins lum and 60 mins each RGB on my Esprit100/SX46 and 3hrs Ha on my GtT71/ASI1600.  Using APP Pixinsight and Photoshop I've combined this with some high res data on the Cocoon acquired at at Olly's  @ollypenrice Les Granges observatory in July 2019, 90mins each RGB 390 mins lum and 135mins Ha on the TEC140  Atik460 and TEC140 Moravian8300 combos.  Needs more data really for the widefield framework as its somewhat noisy outside the Cocoon.  

Thanks for looking




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1 hour ago, ollypenrice said:

Oooh, nicely blended! The whole region has faint Ha signal if you're feeling inspired!! (Or bonkers...)


Thanks Olly..   I am so here it is at full frame with a bonkers stretch on the Ha... 



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24 minutes ago, ollypenrice said:

But that's great. It will respond to manic amounts of Ha if you're so minded...


Thanks again Olly...  in the stretched Ha I can see that there's some fine structure which with more integration time will become more apparent in the colour version.. One to come back to...


1 hour ago, tooth_dr said:

Amazingly good!  Your stars are so nice, they look like little spherical balls of light. 

Thanks Adam..    


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