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Is Venus bright enough to be imaged with a 150 pro skymax an a Wratten #47 filter with a ZWO ASI224MC?


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I imaged Venus early one morning.  It's bright enough for anything.  I don't know what a Wratten #47 filter is without looking it up, so don't know why you'd want one.

You'll want a fairly short exposure to avoid burning out the image.  I got a half-phase image that was bright on one edge and faded toward the terminator line - interesting effect.

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Definitely worth a try, I used one before I purchased a UV filter. It might worth trying doubling up the no47 with an IR cut filter as well. I know this method has been used for "budget" Venus UV imaging, as the Baader UV filter is £170+.

You will probably need plenty of gain, a longish exposure and plenty of frames. Look forward to seeing how you get on.

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12 hours ago, Pete Presland said:

Sorry, just noticed you using a colour camera  :embarassed:

I think my advice will probably be wrong for that camera. {must read the post completely} I would still give it a go though, maybe without the IR cut to begin with.

Would I get anything out of the ir range? I heard people get some cloud detail at around 642mm. The 224mc is quite sensitive in near infrared.

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3 hours ago, JokubasJar said:

Would I get anything out of the ir range? I heard people get some cloud detail at around 642mm. The 224mc is quite sensitive in near infrared.

Not sure to be honest, I have seen images with hints of detail at both ends of the spectrum. I guess different ends of the spectrum reveal different features maybe, I might try my 224mc next time I imaging Venus.


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