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Everything posted by JokubasJar

  1. First time doing an animation, I think it turned out pretty well, around 15 frames spaced 1 min apart each.
  2. Around 300ms if I remember correctly. It’s a pretty cheap mass produced platform, and my FOV is really tight with the 462mc (I mainly do planetary). I reckon with a dslr or a big sensor astrocam, and a coma corrector, you could get some decent exposure time. Still, if anything, the platform makes my life a lot easier.
  3. One of my favorite nebulas ever. Pretty happy with the detail. Around 20 mins of data, Bortle 2-3 SW 10" Dob f/4.7 Asterion Ecliptica Light EQ-platform ZWO ASI462-MC, ir/uv cut
  4. Apr 23rd, 2023, 20:25 GMT+3 Alt: 34° Seeing: 4/5 8" Dob, ZWO ASI462-MC, 3x Barlow --------------------------- IR=Red, 850nm pass UV=Blue, W47+IR block IR&UV 50% Blend=SynG --------------------------- Finally a good image. Absolutely incredible UV detail this time, really lucked out on the seeing. Best Venus yet!
  5. I was getting a lot of blue when trying to balance the colors with the heavily sharpened IR as red. Also, it just looks interesting this way.
  6. Feb 27th, 2023, 18:29 GMT+3 Alt: 18° Seeing: 3/5 8" Dob, Asterion Ecliptica EQ-Platform, ZWO ASI462-MC, 3x Barlow, ZWO ADC, 850nm pass for IR, W47+IR Block for UV. --------------------------- IR=Red UV=Blue IR&UV 50% Blend=SynG Sharpened IR=Luminance --------------------------- Tried a little variation to the usual IR(g)UV approach. The red channel here is minimally sharpened IR. The luminance channel is the same IR stack but super cooked with wavelets to wring out as much detail as possible. This is why Venus's illumination looks less than it actually was. This is definitely my best Venus yet, very happy with the final result!
  7. Astronomik IR block, I know the BG 39 is better but frankly it would probably make no difference with an OSC.
  8. Very nice detail in IR this time. Alt: 13° Seeing: 3/5 StellaLyra 8" Dob ZWO ASI462-MC ZWO ADC 3x Barlow 850nm pass for IR W47+IR block for UV FireCapture->PIPP->AutoStakkert3->AstroSurface->GIMP
  9. Thanks for the compliments! I did another capture a few days go that I will post later today. Got some very nice IR detail this time, a very prominent dark band in the northern hemisphere. My dob isn’t exactly manual btw, I have it on an EQ platform, makes things a lot easier.
  10. GSO W47 and Astronomik IR block.
  11. First time doing Venus in UV and IR. Very happy with the results considering the current size of Venus and that it was 10 degrees high during capture. The green channel is a 50% blend of the two others. Not bad for a first attempt -- 8" Dobsonian, ZWO ASI462-MC, ES 3x Barlow, ZWO ADC. IR850 pass for IR, W47+IR block for UV. PIPP--AutoStakkert3--WaveSharp--GIMP.
  12. After a month of clouds, finally got a partly clear night. Thought I would try Mars in UV cuz why not, southern clouds are more visible which is interesting. StellaLyra 8" Dob, ZWO ASI462-MC, 3x Barlow, Asterion EQ-platform, IR/UV Cut for color, W47+IR Block for UV.
  13. So I don't need to debayer with the 850nm pass for luminance correct?
  14. I have an ZWO asi462 which is notorious for its IR performance, I also have the 850nm filter. I mainly do planetary but I am planning a small newt deepsky setup. I have read about the benefits of shooting luminance in IR, especially for galaxies, and this text on the ZWO website caught my eye. I've tested this with planets, and for the most part it seems correct. After setting the WB_R and WB_B in firecapture to 50 the bayer pattern is no longer visible, even when you turn debayer off. Is there any benefit to this, does this transform my osc into a mono cam in IR? Are there any drawbacks?
  15. I've been planning a small deep sky rig I could take somewhere, the 114/500 newts seem like the perfect size, and they are really cheap, however the focuser is only 1.25", and I am not sure if a coma corrector like that even exists. I was initially intending to use the scope with a used Nikon D5300, but I realized that the ASI462 I do planetary with has almost perfect sampling for said scope. The sensor of the 462 is 1/2.8" which is quite small. so I wonder, would I even need to use a coma corrector with the 462?
  16. Got insanely good seeing for around 20 min, my best Jupiter yet. Tried something different with the framing, I think it looks pretty good.
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  17. Seccond go at Uranus. Much better this time, the pole is well visible. Also got the moons this time.
  18. What programs should I use for processing? I’ve seen people use AutoStakkert for stacking because of it’s ability to reject distorted frames.
  19. Yeah, I have an asi462, I assume that camera is good enough?
  20. What does the workflow look like? I understand that the exposures are around 500ms to 1s. Do I need flats and darks like one would when doing normal DSO astrophotography? I have a f/6 dob and a ZWO 462mc, do I need a coma corrector?
  21. Amazing!
  22. Like this, zoomed the image out a bit so the north pole albedo is easier to see.
  23. Very very proud of this one, the seeing had cleared up a bit. High cloud in the bottom-left. Tried out the Registax deringing feature and was surprised by how well it worked on Mars. I'll consider this my opposition image even though opposition has already past. FireCapture>PIPP>AutoStakkert3>Registax6>Gimp.
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