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Wide field bubble (NGC 7635)


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Hi Every one,

I was blessed last Saturday night with clear skies so too the opportunity to image

the Bubble Nebula, I captured 4 hours worth of RGB but in the end got 

2 hours in 5 minute subs due to the neighbors 500 watt flood light and high cloud

I found it quite hard to process due to the amount of HA in that region and 

the overwhelming amount of stars, and the working with only half the intended data

I wanted to use,

Overall fairly pleased I came away with this effort.

Processed in DSS Pixinsight and PE

Awo 294mc pro camera -10, 5 minutes subs, star71 scope all sitting on a skywatcher azeq6  mount



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12 hours ago, mackiedlm said:

That's really nice. The star colors are great. I did  nearly the same image last week with a DSLR and L-enhance but I  struggling to process it because of the noise.

Thanks mackiedlmfor the kind comments, 

I have done the Nebula with a canon 1100d and you are correct, do expect a fair bit of noise, 

I do not know what your settings you were using, air temp etc but try iso 8oo and 5 minute subs if,

equipment allow, but the main thing is plenty of them at least 30 minimum if you can and 

use darks and lights to help balance out the image.






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12 hours ago, Laurin Dave said:


Indeed a very nice wide field Bubble Lobster Claw and M52, perhaps pulling the black point in a bit might be worth a try 


Thanks Dave much appreciated, funny thing is I can see the image needs adjusting on my work computer, 

I could not see it from home, I have just replaced my aging monitor, probably needs a bit of adjustment, maybe

I have it to dark, which would probably cause the problem, as the picture displayed on SGL looks 

a bit whited out.

Thanks for your feed back much appreciated.



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2 hours ago, ollypenrice said:

Nice. I very rarely say this but, for me, the black point could come in a whisper but certainly not more than that.


Hi Olly and thanks for the comments,

I see what you mean about the the black point, I just pointed it out to Dave,

I have just replaced my old faithful monitor and it could be a Tad to dark

I normally get the picture somewhere near right with the levels and curves 

then that last tiny bit i adjust by eye so it looks OK On my monitor.

Its nice to be able to do a bit of imaging again, as i was missing it.

Thanks for the info


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1 hour ago, ultranova said:

I see what you mean about the the black point, I just pointed it out to Dave,

I have just replaced my old faithful monitor and it could be a Tad to dark

I normally get the picture somewhere near right with the levels and curves 

then that last tiny bit i adjust by eye so it looks OK On my monitor.

I definitely  struggle with the same thing.  I have to keep a careful eye on the pixel values as "a bit too light" always looks great on my monitor whereas the perceived "just right" for some images looks too dark (but is fine on other screens!)

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