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Galaxies from last night


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Last night (2020-09-20) was not the clearest of skies, but I managed to capture a few galaxies.

NGC 404 - AKA Mirach's Ghost - was actually easier than I had expected...


NGC 891 - the Silver Sliver galaxy


NGC 507 and NGC 507 Group of Galaxies V V 209


With the astrometry.net annotated view.

Finally an oddity, marked on the Interstellarum Deep Sky Atlas - Barbon's Galaxy. Discovered by Roberto Barbon in the late 1960's i think.

It was highlighted to him as a faint smudge on a plate - Barbon took a spectrum to reveal it as a galaxy. It is a Blue Compact Galaxy - if the conditions had been better I might have tried an LRGB to see if it had a blue excess.



Edited by callump
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By coincidence some of the recent things I've been looking at included Mirach's Ghost and the the Silver Sliver.

I was prompted to look at Mirach's Ghost by McCavity's post on the EEVA Discussion forum.


Here's what I saw. It should appeal to those who like a diffraction spike:



The Silver Sliver Galaxy came up when I was having a short session looking at things in Triangulum. I decided to have a look at things other than M33 for a change and drifted over into Andromeda to look at things other than M31.







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