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Saturn with 5 Moons

Aussie Dave

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Captured on the 26th of August 2020, Saturn with 5  moons (Tethys, Mimus, Enceladus, Rhea, Dione), 1 unconfirmed moon and a star up the top of the image. The blue dot towards the bottom right of the rings I'm not sure about, possibly Janus moon but Stellarium showed it nearer the ring.
Seeing condition were average to good from Mandurah Western Australia.
Captured in SharpCap 3.2, Stacked in AutoStakkert 3, wavelets in RegiStax 6 and edited in PaintDotNet.
Saxon 8" Maksutov Cassegrain, ZWO ASI224MC, SkyWatcher EQ6 Pro.


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2 minutes ago, MarkAR said:

That is an excellent image. Seeing must be particularly good.

It's about as good as the seeing gets here near the coast, it could be better. This was just before a cold front blew in from the ocean and one of our many storms that we've had this year.

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