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FLO flocking material.


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Ordered this stuff  https://www.firstlightoptics.com/misc/black-velour-telescope-flocking-material.html

last month, got round to using it today.( Couple of cheap 'toy' 70mm Fracs i'm experimenting with.)

I think there's a fair few posts on the forum about flocking,

so i'll simply say in my view, it makes a difference, even on Frac's & Maks.~ for further flocking info search the forum.

I have previously used 'protostar' but it gets expensive importing this from USA.

Now to the nitty gritty.

Whether one or the other is 'technically' better i could not say, but both do the job IMO.

I found the FLO flocking much easier to apply, Protostar seems to stick solid just when you don't want it to,(almost impossible to reposition) & i've experienced some post application peeling with protostar.

The FLO material does allow for repositioning,it's too early to say if it peels, but somehow i think not . I will update if it does turn out to be a problem latter.

Also, Protostar moults, at least initially, no loose hairs noticed with the FLO material whilst installing . 👍

Bottom line, I can heartily reccommend the product. I haven't flocking finished the 'fleet' yet, so will be ordering more very soon.

Top tip: if you end up with any air bubbles, prick with a pin & squeeze the air out.

Give it a go, Flocking a newt must be a breeze compaired to a skinny refractor.

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1 minute ago, fwm891 said:

Wilkinson's sell a black flock paper with sticky backing (V cheap) used it on lots of small items and a 10" dob...

I think from previous post's it's the same stuff?

Our local Wilkinsons doesn't stock it though. It's still cheap from FLO, plus they also do big rolls (for those with big scopes 🙂)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Got a  roll being delivered to  touch up some  more scopes and baffles.  Had used Protostar before, card version, non sticky  and that was very  good

Looked for Vanta black, ultra black from  photographic  supply shops (used in back drops) etc but the FLO stuff  is cheap, easy to find and gets good  reviews so decided  to try it.

I'm sure it will be OK

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I’ve used the Wilco black flocking on my TeleVue Pronto.  The original flocking had badly crinkled, didn’t affect performance but the inner surface of the doublet looked very grubby so I sorted both at the same time.

I was concerned the Wilco flocking would shed fibres so prior to fitting I used a stiff brush on it.  This didn’t mark the flocking, I brushed in one direction only.  Quite a lot of fibres came away, I continued brushing until no more was seen.

Having fitted the flocking several years ago it still looks fine, and testing with a full moon just outside and also within the field of view shows no unwanted light bouncing around.  Successful job.

If anyone needs to do similar on a TV refractor it’s not hard if you go carefully.


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