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NGC7000, Pelican, Cygnus Wall - Altogther as One,


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This is my second image using my new Optilong narrowband filters and everything running  on a Rpi4 running Astroberry and using INDI and EKOS to control everything

Not a deep image 3.5hrs total - mostly from last night which was clear here in S.Northants until about 2am -which was unexpected given the atrocious weather and cloud cover recently.
Ha - 31 x 120s
OIII - 44 x 120s
SII - 30 x 120s
ASI1600MM-PRO, unity Gain

Image scale is around 6arcsec/Pixel

I basically had to dismantle my skyshedPOD dome to get access to the zenith - I don't have any room for zenith tables or such so just pushed it off its runners and balanced against my shed !!

This is a Photoshop based mix approximating to SHO, I tried not to over saturate and be too outlandish with colour palette
This is the full uncropped frame - I also  took out the flats !! They were over compensating and creating a crazy gradient - I'm capturing a new set and may reprocess depending on how things go.

Deneb showing the classic panasonic micro-lens artifact, could have worked harder and done a circular blur, but its not that distracting on this widefield image. I left the framing slightly offcenter as in the Ha the gas clouds tail away towards upper right, have not got them as prominent in this process - but they are there

thanks for looking and appreciate any comments regards my colour mix,




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@MarkAR ; @don4l - appreciate the feedback, I've been digging into the data for 'true' hubble SHO - pushing it all to the max....I think I will stop now as limited data set and this is as close as I think I can go to what is seen as traditional SHO Hubble:

Any preference between first version and below ?



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I agree - the blue and golds seem normal given the long legacy of Hubble images but there are such a lot of twists and turns in the way narrowband channels can be mixed into a visual palette. I have just been reading quite a bit this evening and downloaded Annie’s Actions and applied that to my data - it’s different again but the stars are really pink - which is SHO interpretation.

anyway looking forward to imaging more narrowband through winter months


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