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BRESSER Messier 203/1200 Hexafoc Optical Tube - Has anyone any experience of this OTA?

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I was going to buy a SW 200P Dob or a Bresser Messier 8 inch Dob with hex focuser.  As things are, both of these are unavailable for at least 2/3 months.  I haven't managed to locate one on the used market (or at least none suitable for one reason or another) so I was thinking of just buying an OTA instead - I have a mount available I could use.  The problem is Sky Watcher don't do an 8 inch f6 tube (which is what I want) but only an f5 version.

I than found this, BRESSER Messier 203/1200 Hexafoc Optical Tube, listed in various places.   I would love to hear from anyone who owns one, or has used one, as to it's optical quality when compared with the SW 200P Dob optics if possible.  I have used many, and owned several, of the SW Dob over the years and am very familiar with it.  If the Bresser is of the same standard or better it may suit my purposes.  Also it would be useful to hear any other insights re the Bresser which may help my decision.  I wouldn't expect a lot of difference, but you can't beat first hand experience.

Many thanks.

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First of all optically they are very similar so nothing to choose from there. 

However on general build quality the Bresser wins. Has a 6 point mirror cell in the 8” and the inside of the tube has a rubberised anti reflection coating not thin paint like the SW so no flocking needed. Of course the biggest advantage is the Bresser’s focuser. A really nice high quality CNC 2.5” R&P one. 

Like the Breeser dobs use of tube rings which means you can rotate the OTA to put the focuser in the right spot or move the tube up or down to bakance. Great proper sized bearings as well.

I’ve owned a few SW dobs so am very familiar with them. Now have a Bresser dob and wouldn’t go back to the SW. Not that the SW is bad but just that the Bresser is nicer and better equipped. Once you get your hands on the Bresser you realise why it costs more but is great value for money.

The dual speed option is a good idea.





Edited by johninderby
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Many thanks John, that focuser does look good!  Do you know if the Bresser OTA  is the same tube as used in the Bresser Dob?  (I know the focuser is the same)  I'd like the scope for Mars, and it will be passed its best before the Bresser Dob will turn up new.  From what you say about it, I doubt if I'll be able to get a used one any time soon.

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As far as I know the OTAs are the same. They have the same specs and can’t see Bresser using different versions. The reason for the delay in availabilty is apparently down to them not having the alt bearing parts.

As the Bresser dobs are newer than the SW there aren’t as many around and also most seem to see them as keepers. 

Edited by johninderby
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Many thanks for getting back so quickly John. That's very useful information.  Can I just finally ask if the rear of the cell on the dob looks the same as the one on the OTA only version?

Photo on the link below.  If it's the same I'll almost certainly go for the tube, I'm not patient enough to wait for December for the dob I'm afraid.


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This is Telescope House (Bresser UK)? Give them a shout and ask.

Here's the link to the same OTA on their site:

Looks the same as my 203 Dob - but it has a 8x50 finder instead of the rubbish plastic 8x30 that comes with the dob and is the one thing that lets it down. I'm not sure if the 8x50 is still a cheap plastic one, though.

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58 minutes ago, BRADLEY 1953 said:

Hi  Paul, it looks a nice scope and good value for the money.   Cheers  Chris.

Thank you Chris.  I ordered the optical tube assembley today from Telescope House.   Thanks to John and others who have posted about the scope on SGL previously, I feel very confident it will meet my needs.

Alas, this means the troublesome weather we had had recently will probably continue for a while 🙂.

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On 16/08/2020 at 22:21, johninderby said:

As far as I know the OTAs are the same. They have the same specs and can’t see Bresser using different versions. The reason for the delay in availabilty is apparently down to them not having the alt bearing parts.

As the Bresser dobs are newer than the SW there aren’t as many around and also most seem to see them as keepers. 

John.  My tube assembly arrived today.  Cant take it out side to take any pics, heavy rain today. In due course I'll do a review when I've put some time in with it.

There are a couple of differences, including the cell.  In your pics it looks like yours has a black back plate behind most of the mirror, with only a small part of the mirror visible in the centre?  Mine looks like most of the mirror is visible, with some sort of thin black material on the back of the mirror.  Anyway ill take a pick when I can.

Also, I dont think the inside of the tube has a rubberised coating, it, if you hadnt mentioned it I wouldn't have any doubt.  It also has that paint smell like the interior of new SW reflectors.

Also I  was very surprised to find a full aperture solar filter inside the box.  The filter material is some sort of film, but it doesn't look like any film I have seen.  It's much duller looking.  It doesn't indicate what its made from.  Did you get one with your scope?

Anyway, it all looks and feels well made as you said, very nicely put together.

One thing John, can you tell me what the two screws are on top of the focuser nearest the tube?  I wandered  if the focuser rotates, but havent touched them just in case they are something else adjusted at the factory.

Best regards, Paul


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The pic I used was a stock pic of an 8” dob from Bresser. Know they have been making small changes to the dobs so maybe an updated part? 🤔

I actually have the 10” dob which has a 9 point cell.

They started supplying the solar filters after I bought my scope. Got one of the filters with my Bresser mak. Tried it out and it’s not bad although not as good as the Baader film. Much thicker and gives a yellow sun. 

The focuser does rotate if you loosen the four little hex screws on the sides of the base plate. Not entirely sure what the two thumbscrews on the side of the focuser do. Think they are for adjusting the bearings but small adjustments don’t seen to do much. 🤔

Anyway will be interested in how you get on with it.




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They didn't appear to do much at first try. Then I took one out and had a look down the threaded hole and can see what looks like a pale plastic/nylon bung.

If you tighten them both up a bit, you can feel some resistance in the focuser. I would guess that you could lock it up with a bit more pressure, but  don't fancy tightening them up much more.

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