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First crack at Milky Way.

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Indeed! A very good atrempt with awesome results! well done!! a few days ago i had a go at photographing the milky way with my Nikon D3500 DSLR while i was taking pictures of Jupiter and Saturn with my Celestron Nexstar 6 SE SCT, i had to lie down on the wet ground and position my camera tripod with one hand while handling the camera with the other. The thing was the ground was slanted at an angle and if i let go of the tripod it would just fall over. And i was doin all this while it was freezing cold (about 2-3 degrees celcius) and my fingers were numb! but it was worth it! got some really great results and really pleased with how the images turned out!

shot with 13 sec. f/3.5 18 mm and ISO 25600



Another version taken from different view with 10 sec. f/3.5 18 mm and ISO 25600



You can see Jupiter and Saturn on the right side of the image as two bright stars in both images. Jupiter is the one thats higher up.

Editingwise, didnt do much. just played around with basic contrast and colour filters in images.


Here's to clear skies🔭👊

May the Force be with you.

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