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Jupiter, Saturn, Mars 2020


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EDIT: Changed the subject as I will place my all efforts for this opposition here.

Had my first proper run at Jupiter and Saturn with my C6, ASI 178 MM, Wratten 29 filter. I'm lazy so the C6 still has its 6.3 reducer/corrector screwed in, and then I barlowed  it out to an unknown focal length... Reasonably happy with the results though. Both are 2 minutes of 10 millisecond frames.





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2020-07-31, seeing very poor

C6, ASI 178 MM, AS!3, Registax 6

5 minutes of 8 ms subs (gain=310) at 2400 mm Focal length (F/16), kept best 30%


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Jupiter from last night - 2020-08-01. Each channel was a 3 minute sequence of 16 ms frames. I processed in AS!3 keeping 50% of frames then did wavelets in Registax and combining into a final color image in Gimp.


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My best Jupiter ever, captured 2020-08-03 11:15 CET. I managed to capture Io as a disc, a shadow transit, and more detail than usual, probably because I got closer to perfect focus. I find that my RGB filters are not parfocal, a problem exacerbated by my cheap Revelation achro barlow. So I have to find focus three times over, which aside from being annoying increases issues with rotation between subs. I had to align the planet and Io separately due to the time gaps, and processed to keep only the green channel moon shadow.

C6 at 2400mm focal length, ASI 178 MM, RGB filter wheel

3 minutes of R at 10 ms and Gain 260, kept 33%

3 minutes of G at 10 ms and Gain 310, kept 33%

3 minutes of B at 10 ms and Gain 360, kept 33%

Processed in AS!3, Registax 6 and Gimp 2.10


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Seeing was very bad; Jupiter was positively vibrating on my screen. I failed to find perfect focus. I tried 5 ms subs to compensate for the seeing, but it didn't help much.


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Had a break for a bit as I got side tracked by aquariums. Started up again last night with Mars. Cloud was coming in fast so I shot just 2000 6.5 millisecond frames each of R, G and B around 23:00 UTC. Processed in AS!3, Registax 6 and Gimp.


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Thanks, I think i can do much better - I could have made the RGB sequences at least 4 times longer for example, and I am not sure I really got best focus with this run either. 

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