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72ED DSOs and Skymax 127 Planets

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I've recently been on a bigger spending spree than I'd care to let on to the other half - need a few tricks up my sleeve to manage that one.

I currently have a 130p and a SW 102 ST. After having bought my first goto mount - the AZ GTi (and turning this in to an EQ mount) and my first dslr - I want to start combining these together, and make a start at some basic budget astrophotography. If this works well I may end up selling the lot and invest in a much more stable mount like the HEQ5, but we'll call this stage 2.

On my shopping list is an Evostar 72 ED. This, I've heard better for DSO's. Ordinarily I'd keep the 130p for planets and lunar but of course I can't properly focus a dslr on the 130p - I've tried with a 2x barlow which works to some degree but I can probably achieve better.

I was considering a SW Skymax 127 for planetary and lunar imaging - alongside the 72ED for DSO's visual and imaging. Is this worthwhile - or can the 72ED get me most of the way there on it's own?

The big objective for me is portability and weight due to the 5kg payload of the mount. I want to be able to fit as much as I can in my large army rucksack and carry out and travel when I need to - which is why I'm ruling out the 130pds at 4kg and considering the 127 Skymax at 3kg (?)

Would love to hear other's thoughts!


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I have the SW SkyMax 127 and it is certainly playing to it's strengths regarding lunar and planetary viewing/imaging. I also went down the DSLR route and 2x barlow with this scope with some decent results although I am still very much a beginner to imaging. The only thing I found was that the DSLR (a Canon 600D) is nearly another kilo on top of the 3kg scope so sometimes on the AZ-GTI mount is started slipping a little. Balancing the scope will help with that though. I have since upgraded to a EQ5 GOTO mount. As for the 72ED, I have little idea but looking at the specs, it should be decent for DSOs.

The SW SkyMax 127 has been on a few trips with me and is quite portable although I would be taking the original tripod and mount it came with. The EQ5 weighs a ton.

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This is the problem I have. Currently I have the 130p (4kg) with dslr (also the Canon 600D at 1kg) and then accessories such as 2xbarlow - and I think I'm pushing the 5kg payload to the max!

I love the 130p, but I think I need to go smaller, which is where the idea for the SkyMax 127 came in. Being 1kg lighter should help - although interesting to here you have that exact same setup, and the AZ GTi can sometimes struggle a little even with that combination.....although I am about to turn in to an EQ mount with counterweights, so that may help.

Thanks for post, useful to know!


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On 28/07/2020 at 16:44, dd999 said:

I've recently been on a bigger spending spree than I'd care to let on to the other half - need a few tricks up my sleeve to manage that one.

I currently have a 130p and a SW 102 ST. After having bought my first goto mount - the AZ GTi (and turning this in to an EQ mount) and my first dslr - I want to start combining these together, and make a start at some basic budget astrophotography. If this works well I may end up selling the lot and invest in a much more stable mount like the HEQ5, but we'll call this stage 2.

On my shopping list is an Evostar 72 ED. This, I've heard better for DSO's. Ordinarily I'd keep the 130p for planets and lunar but of course I can't properly focus a dslr on the 130p - I've tried with a 2x barlow which works to some degree but I can probably achieve better.

I was considering a SW Skymax 127 for planetary and lunar imaging - alongside the 72ED for DSO's visual and imaging. Is this worthwhile - or can the 72ED get me most of the way there on it's own?

The big objective for me is portability and weight due to the 5kg payload of the mount. I want to be able to fit as much as I can in my large army rucksack and carry out and travel when I need to - which is why I'm ruling out the 130pds at 4kg and considering the 127 Skymax at 3kg (?)

Would love to hear other's thoughts!


OMG i have this exact set up lol . To be honest both scopes are quite new to me so i can't give you too much advice .. but with the short time ive been able to use them (pesky clouds) they are an absolute delight . i changed the visual back on the skymax 127 to a 2" one .. and i bought an ovl FF for the 72ed as i intend to try imaging ( again!!) . The 72ed gives very good crisp ( although small) views of planets but its main purpose will be for imaging . I used the skymax last night for viewing Jupiter ... the seeing conditions were far from ideal but it still gave me a great view .

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3 minutes ago, Stu1smartcookie said:

OMG i have this exact set up lol . To be honest both scopes are quite new to me so i can't give you too much advice .. but with the short time ive been able to use them (pesky clouds) they are an absolute delight . i changed the visual back on the skymax 127 to a 2" one .. and i bought an ovl FF for the 72ed as i intend to try imaging ( again!!) . The 72ed gives very good crisp ( although small) views of planets but its main purpose will be for imaging . I used the skymax last night for viewing Jupiter ... the seeing conditions were far from ideal but it still gave me a great view .

Wow small world!! Lol

I'm used to viewing Jupiter on a 130p so not sure how the views compare - but I love how small the Skymax 127's are. 

Yes I was planning the ovl ff for the 72ed too. I hear they're pretty much a must, especially for imaging. 

Be interesting to hear how you get on - well when we finally get some clear skies! 

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i am really fed up with this weather ... especially as the weather app shows partly clear but its so cloudy zzzz . Tonight i was going to use the skymax as i have bought a planetary cam ( and have had some issues setting it up) to use on the moon ! Alas i think i will need to wait until tomorrow now . I had a 130 pds and it was a fantastic scope but i really like smaller scopes. Anyway i wish you luck with your purchases .

The FF really does make a difference so, yes , its kind of a must have. By the way i had an HEQ5 Pro but i actually downsized to an EQ5 Pro and added the synscan upgrade . Its a much lighter mount but still stable enough for both the 127 and of course the 72ed . 

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