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AR2767 in High Res II | HA, CaK, Gband Trifecta | July 27th 2020


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Hi all,

I had a small window this morning (0800am Eastern Time) here in Florida before clouds & rain rolled in. It's now thunder storming of course. But in that brief period I had a chance to get some decent data on AR2767. The spot has evolved a bit and the plage has decayed to something smaller with less major filaments coming from the area. Being close to the center of the face of the disc in its transit, some features are more obvious now (like cells, and the structures in the penumbra and sometimes the inner structure of the umbra itself). The plage is less dramatic and mottling less dramatic straight on compared to at an angle where more contrast is on the spicules. But straight on like this, the convection cells and k-grains are a bit more obvious with better contrast I think compared to at an angle. I noticed the beginnings of what might be a light bridge were different in the various wavelengths, in HA it appeared to have a nearly complete light bridge in two sections of the umbra, but I didn't see that same structure in Gband, but the structure's root to the umbra was visible, however in CaK it was a little less visible. Kind off as I have not noticed that before (with a completed light bridge I typically note it in all wavelengths). So perhaps it was not a light bridge. I'm not sure, so I'm interested in everyone's thoughts on this phenomena!











Animation of all wavelengths aligned on the Sunspot:


Seeing Conditions (not great, but supported the image scales of 0.2" to 0.4" per pixel with sub-arc-second-seeing):



150mm F8 Refractor
+ 2" Baader Red CCD-IR Block Filter (Sub-aperture internal D-ERF) + Baader GPC 1.25x (F10) + PST 1A HA Etalon + 10mm BF + ASI290MM
+ 2" Baader Blue CCD-IR Block Filter (Sub-aperture internal D-ERF) + 2.5x Telenegative Amplifier (F20) + EdmundOptics 430nm Filter + Baader 3.0 ND + ASI290MM
+ (aperture masked to 120mm F10) + 2" Baader Blue CCD-IR Block Filter (Sub-aperture internal D-ERF) + 2.5x Telenegative Amplifier (F25) + Lunt CaK B1200 + ASI290MM


Very best,

Edited by MalVeauX
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Superb indeed!  :thumbsup:

If you want a nicely cool, solar shade material: Try White lightweight PE tarpaulin.
I know you take care over thermal issues while imaging.
Everything else I have tried gets too warm to burning hot in sunshine.
Even the aluminium foil covered foam, which I ordered specially, got very hot!
White PE tarpaulin is cheap as chips, as well, but not very waterproof.
Too short lived for really permanent structures.
It can easily be draped, pegged, clamped, tied or simply stapled to provide vital shade.
Or to protect thermally "hungry" materials and surfaces from storing and releasing their heat.

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