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Power supply to camera- where does it draw from?


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4 minutes ago, Swoop1 said:

Showing my ignorance here but, do entry level cameras such as the ZWO ASI 290MC draw their power through the USB cable from the computer?

The 290 does, yes.  I think it's generally when they have a fan and/or cooler that they need a separate power supply, though I have a 224MC on my desk that will work as a camera just from USB power, but the fan doesn't operate.


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The external 12V is needed if you want the cooler to operate. The USB power is only used for the camera. Some cooled cameras, the ASI071MC being one, if given 12V for the cooler will also power the camera from that 12V and disable the USB from powering the camera. The anti-dew heater on the protect window, if it has one, will still work if just powered from USB 3 I believe, as it only needs 300mA for that.


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