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Mars, Jupiter and Saturn 21st/22nd July


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These were taken on the night of the 21st into 22nd July through a C9.25 on a ASI120mm-s. The seeing was awful, they all looked like reflections in boiling water! I'm trying to get as much practice in before the Mars opposition and I keep finding ways to improve and things to try next time. I happy with the detail in all of them, especially Mars. All are RGB images with 5000 frames per channel on Jupiter, 6000 on Saturn and 15000(!) on Mars and the best 30% stacked. Used a Region of interest for the first time instead of full frame. Could never get fps above 50 without dropped frames before but with the ROI down to 320x240 I was able to get up to 220fps on Mars. Need more practice on wavelets in registax and photoshop to get my images looking better but still have time before October.

Jupiter 2.png



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24 minutes ago, Paul M said:

All very nive but Mars especially so. Not that long to wait for opposition :)



24 minutes ago, Cosmic Geoff said:

Nice image of Mars.

Thanks! I'm very pleased with the Mars image, I have high hopes for October!

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49 minutes ago, CraigT82 said:

Thats three nice images but the Mars one really stands out... it's a corker. Looking forward to seeing some stunning Mars images from you later in the year! 

Thanks, hopefully I can work out what everything does in sharp capture by then! 

Edited by zcapp96
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