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IC 1311


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Originally planned as an SHO image - but there was little or no OIII in this area. Ended up as a bi-colour (HSS=RGB) with RGB imported into the stars only. IC 1311 is the small open star cluster in the top right quadrant. Full details on my web site.

FinalViewTrimCropSign (1178 x 1768).jpg

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3 minutes ago, ultranova said:

What scope and camera set up was you using

Hi Paul.....thanks for commenting.

This is with the Tak FSQ130ED and FLI ML16200 camera. Very shortly, I am going to fire up PixInsight again and this time, I will try adding the NB data to the RGB image.......if it makes an interesting change and is OK, I will post that also. While out walking the dog just now....I was thinking about it and wondering if it would be better or worse :icon_scratch:

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