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Stellarium and ASCOM

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Hi all


I'm trying to control my AZ-EQ5 mount using stellarium.  I have followed identical procedures for two laptops, one had the ASCOM option and one did not (I'm hoping to use the laptop that did not show it so I can keep my work laptop indoors)  Could anyone suggest why ASCOM might not be showing as an option on one of the laptops?  EQMOD is working fine so I am assuming necessary drivers are all on there.  Both laptops are running 0.20.1.


Edited by smoggy
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Hello there,

You can also setup your mount as an ASCOM controlled mount.. and if you scroll down you can also chose your mount under ASCOM SETTINGS..






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28 minutes ago, artem said:

You can also setup your mount as an ASCOM controlled mount.. and if you scroll down you can also chose your mount under ASCOM SETTINGS..

The problem is that the Ascom option doesn't appear to be available, even though both laptops are running the same version of Stellarium.

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17 minutes ago, Cornelius Varley said:

The problem is that the Ascom option doesn't appear to be available, even though both laptops are running the same version of Stellarium.

Yep exactly that, the menu shown above with ASCOM shows on one laptop but not the other, I'm at a loss! I'll probably uninstall everything and try again.

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1 hour ago, Waldemar said:

If you installed the latest version of ASCOM, which is 6.5 at the moment, a problem shooter called ASCOM Diagnostics, is also installed. Did you run that?

Thanks for this, my antivirus software was blocking two downloads which must have been the key ones as it now works when I've reinstalled with the antivirus disabled.  Thank you.

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