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Synscan controller only working if powered by usb

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After being messing with the raspberry connected straight to synscan, now if I wanted to connect as usual, just mount connected to synscan, doesn’t power on ( the hand controller),  need to be connected from usb to stellarmate.

what have I done to do this happen?

Please read this post with the shop boys singing “ what have I done to deserve this?”


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I've been switching these around myself but not 100% sure what you mean. 

There's the black box with no screen, that you feed 12V power to, and the Synscan handset with the buttons and screen that you connect to the black box.

Is that the case that the Synscan handset with the buttons and screen isn't powering up after you've connected it to the black box, and that the black box has power and works if you connect it directly to a computer using EQMod?


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More information required to find out possible solution.

What mount are you trying to set up? (make and model number)

How are you powering it?

And how are you connecting the handset to the mount?... i.e. What cable are you using to connect the handset?

If the mount is powered properly it should send power to the handset... no other connections are required.

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Thanks for your time

It’s a skywatcher he5q gt. as you can see I was using the usual cable from mount and everything was ok. After  I plugged that usb from the raspberry, the handset only will turn on of if the raspberry is on. If unplugged the usb cable, doesn’t matter, tripod light I on but handset off. As soon as I plug the usb, begins to work. 
I must have touched something in the menu. I’ve tried the pc mode on/off but no difference. Still needs the energy coming from the raspberry.

any idea?




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If the handset no longer functions when it's just connected to the mount, then it sounds like it's not getting the power from the mount to operate it.  When the USB is connected, the handset can get it's power from the USB port.  If you just connect the USB to the handset but not to the mount, does the handset power up but complain that it can't talk to the mount?  It could be something blown in either the handset or the mount, SkyWatcher don't seem to make their electronics particularly bomb proof.  See it you can measure any volts coming from the mount (I've seen the RJ45 plug pin-out on here in the past but you would need to do a search).  If there is a supply coming from the mount then it's likely that the handset at fault.

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I concur with Seelive, however, it could also be that the curly cable is faulty and not picking up power from the mount.

Be very careful if you test the mount with a meter whilst it is powered... it would be quite easy to short out the pins possibly damaging the circuit board.

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Thanks Nebula.

ive plugged  to usb only, it says both axes no reponse.. But I can skip that message and let me put day and time. Don’t ask to polar align though.

i can’t/don’t know measure volts.



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It seems that the serial and ground connections between the handset and the mount are OK as the mount/handset works as normal with the USB port connected.  I agree with Lonestar that it could be the cable, but it would be very unfortunate (but not impossible) that it just happened to be the supply pin connection that was faulty (1 in 8 chance).  Do you know anyone with the same mount so that you could try their cable?

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It looks like you have the mount powered correctly , however, this does not confirm that the curly cable is not damaged.

I had mine break one of the wires internally due to the flexing of the lead during use out in the cold... sadly it is a fairly common problem with Synta cables.

You could try using a Cat5 straight through patch cable (same as the one connecting your pc/laptop to your router) to eliminate this possibility.

If that does not solve the problem then it is possible that there is a fault either in the HEQ5 mount power distribution or in the handset in which case you should contact your supplier to seek their advice, I assume it is still under warranty, but even if it is not they should be able to get you sorted.


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13 hours ago, FMA said:

No. No friend with telescope :(

Is it possible that raspberry burned the cable? hows possible that?

should I contact flo? the mount has one month!



It's unlikely the raspberry pi burnt out the cable. The Rpi works on regulated 5V (2.5A max) and the USB ports and can only deliver 0.5A (not enough to run 2 external harddrives).


From my understanding the RJ45 cable supplied for the mount to HC is a standard patch cable (ethernet cable). You might try plugging the cable into you home router/modem and laptop. If it works, it may indicate the cable is sound.


EDIT: Just to be clear, I mean use the cable as an ethernet cable (modem/router to laptop).

Edited by deanen
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Hi guys,

The modem/router  to PC/laptop path does not use all the wires in the RJ45 connector there are 2 or 3 unused in that function.

These spare wires are often used, by various manufacturers, for other things when the cables are used in a different application, like carrying power to/from mount and handset.

The only common ones would be TX data, RX data, possibly one or two handshake lines and the common ground (0v) connection.

The best way to check is to use the router cable between the mount and the handset.

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