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QHY163M USB download issue


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Morning all,

Recently I have been struggling with usb connect/disconnect issues. For the most part my frames are ok but 1 in 5 lets say I get a beeping in SGP and the file cones down corrupted. Has anyone come accross this before?

I'm fairly certain it may be down to usb issues so I am replacing my hub and active cable however It has all been working fine until recently.



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Almost 100% a USB cable issue or a a driver that has updated in the background.  It could be an electronic fault with the camera but that is most unlikely, electronics nowadays is very robust.

Tried a different cable?  Different USB port on the computer? 

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Thanks, Yes I'm almost completely convinced that this is the case, I have tried different usb ports. Weirdly the camera only seems to appear in device manager if I plug it into 1 specific port. I may try uninstalling it and reinstalling when I attach it.

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Ok, deleting the devices from (you have to click view -> show hidden devices in device manager) and reconnected in a different port and images now download fine. Small caveat... I have only connected this device without the usb hub through my active 10m cable.

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Unfortunately hubs & active cables are renowned for causing issues with regards to astrophotography. The usb isn't as robust a connection as we would like it to be, particularly with the increased download data we are experiencing with the latest cmos cameras. If I were you I would look for a backup, high quality, usb repeater / active cable and you should be using a 12v powered usb3 hub from the likes of Startech. Then if you have issues in the future you have a replacement handy.


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